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Frances Wei Fang Su

FLUSHING, NY 11355 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

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About Me

Native born Taiwanese, have gone to Germany taking classes with Malinin, and Moscow Conservatory with Vera Gornastayeva, and Andrei Diev. Being active playing in the master classes with masters such as Marcella Cradeli, Tatinia, and Marie Laure Muller etc, have taught me a variety ways of music teaching. Music is the combination of life, nature, and culture. My goal is to inspire my students to understand what music is about; teach them how to practice by themselves; to enjoy the passion, and different feelings, and to express their own in music. Among inspiring my students from moving their own body, and different life experiences, i focus on basic techniques due to my belief of "No technique, no music". Offer ABRSM (British Royal Exam), and NYSMA

My Musical Education Background

Graduated in National Taiwan Normal University, the most prestigious music education institute in Taiwan, aiming to sculpt the expertises in music teaching.

Genres and Subjects Taught


My Certifications and Awards

Amadeus Music School Melody Music School

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Frances Wei Fang Su

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Frances Wei Fang Su

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