Lessons Offered
Piano, Music
Where are Lessons Offered
In Teacher Studio
About Me
COVID 19 PRECAUTIONS ...The piano keys and surfaces, pencils, markers, etc. are sanitized between lessons. We wear masks and sit physically distant. On warm days in Davidson, we meet outside on the porch, using an electric piano. During the winter, the studio is indoors, where students enjoy playing the real piano and I demonstrate using the electric piano, 6 feet away.
*Concord lessons are inside a large, airy (and sanitized) space, where we are masked and practice social distancing.
PIANOS USED... Since my early days of teaching on a beloved Knabe grand, I've upgraded to an even better grand piano, a professional model Yamaha C-3 with smooth action and a full, warm tone. Students delight in the power and richness of the sound.
*In Concord, we play the church's 6-foot Knabe grand in an open space with delightful acoustics.
MORE ABOUT ME... At age 21, I bought a grand piano before I bought my first car. I am a classically trained pianist who appreciates the appeal of music of all kinds. While comfortable with Brahms or Chopin, I know not all students will progress to that level. But they will learn to read music and to play with technical skill that will allow them to embrace many styles.
Beginners enjoy rhythm instruments and accompaniment cds (or my own playing, as a duet) to help them develop strong rhythmic skills. My students learn to count, and to play smoothly, with good rhythm!
Many people bike or walk to the Davidson studio, less than a block from Main Street. Parents are welcome to observe lessons, but most children eventually prefer to come alone. Parents who drop off children often take advantage of the nearby library, shops and cafes.
*In the downtown Concord location, parents enjoy sitting (masked) in a beautiful historic church with colorful stained glass windows. Lessons are at Trinity United Church of Christ at 38 Church Street North.
I consider myself the luckiest person I know. I am honored to introduce people to the joys of playing music. Not only do I get to nurture their progress as they develop as musicians, but I also get to see their excitement upon hearing a piece they'd like to play someday. I love observing their progress and mastery, their discipline and poise. And I know they'll enjoy reading and playing music for the rest of their lives.
My hobbies are travel, gardening, and playing djembe (African drum).
South Street Piano Studio pianists perform well. In Covid-19-free times, they enjoy a monthly group class, when we come together to learn about music and practice performing for each other. These classes help prepare young pianists for the recitals we hold twice a year.
My Musical Education Background
I graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a BA degree in music, having taken classes in piano pedagogy and having performed a full senior recital.
Teacher, Dept. of Music at UNC-Chapel Hill ... I was hired to teach children and music majors needing to pass their piano proficiency tests.
Program Dir. WDAV-Davidson, 1980 – 1985... I was responsible for all programming on the air, including music we presented ourselves. I was also on-air host of the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra broadcasts and of a weekday afternoon show. More recently, I was host and executive producer of the series, CHORAL SHOWCASE on WDAV.
Teacher, Bethwood Suzuki School of Music in New Haven, CT …. I received Suzuki training and taught private lessons and group classes in piano
Other musical experience... I have worked with children and adults in choirs, bell choirs, and other musical ensembles, and have composed music for these groups.
Genres and Subjects Taught
Private lessons... Weekly private lessons at my home studio in Davidson, or in downtown Concord.
*Group classes.... Have you ever been on South Street and noticed children in the first block using sidewalk chalk to write colorful notes and staves? That would be my monthly group class, during which we play play activities and games to learn music theory. At these free classes, students enjoy performing in a causual setting -- great preparation for recitals! And they are often inspired by hearing their peers play.
*Recitals... Participation is optional but encouraged, in our two recitals a year. All students are nurtured by the non-competitive atmosphere, and enjoy a feeling of cameraderie and support both during the recital and afterward, at the reception for students, families and friends. Let's have a party celebrating our successes!
* Group activities suspended due to Covid-19
Lesson Rates
$110/ month for four 30-min. private lessons, $135 in months that have five
$160/ month for four 45-min. Private lessons, $195 in months that have five
GROUP CLASSES (on hold due to Covid-19)
Free monthly group classes for regular students (age 6 and up) taking private lessons, August through May
RECITALS (on hold due to Covid-19)
Families pay $15 per participant per recital
Ages / Skill Levels Taught
I welcome a growing number of adults who have joined the studio. Most younger students begin around age 7 or 8.
I accept students from levels Beginner through Early Advanced.
My Certifications and Awards
I have served as accompanist for many performers through the years. As a church musician, I have performed solo or ensemble music weekly for more more than 20 years.
Here is what my former piano professor at UNC Chapel Hill has to say about my most recent studio recital:
Dear Theresa,
First of all, I was very taken with your studio class recital on Saturday afternoon. Your teaching is to be admired and as I said in my brief comment to your students and their families, you are doing an outstanding job of giving your students a high quality pianistic experience. My observations of your students’ playing were of excellent rhythmic playing, good hand positions and proper posture, good tone production, and a very fine sense of musical motion. There were one or two exceptions amongst your players, some problems seemingly coming from a perceived level of nervousness. I was also very pleased to see that you had taught your students to present themselves well in terms of stage comportment and manner of dress.
In a word, you have developed into a musician to be admired.
Very sincerely,
“Fritz” (your UNC piano instructor)
Francis Whang (retired Chair of Piano Instruction, UNC-Chapel Hill)
My Musical Influences
As a child: my parents' collection of folk music. But the record albums I returned to time after time were the few classical albums they owned: the Nutcracker, eg., and Christmas music sung by opera sopranos or played by orchestra.
As a teenager: my teacher Ms. Marie Hargett in the Piano Prep department at Queens University in Charlotte. Also my bluegrass musician friends in the hills of NC, who jammed with me on my grandparents' porch (I played guitar by ear). And, of course, the Beatles.
As a college student: all the music bursting from the seams of Hill Hall, the Music Department's home at UNC-Chapel Hill. I am especially indebted to my beloved Professor of Piano, Francis Whang, who guided and shaped me into the pianist I've become.
As an adult: listening to World Music, playing African djembe, playing and singing spiritual chants and directing choirs.
Service Area
Student Reviews

Davidson, NC
Ms. Theresa taught me everything I know about music. I had to pass an audition and theory test, and I made it into the tour choir of St. Peter's Children's Choir in Charlotte! I love playing the piano!