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Joyce N Verhaar

Grand Rapids, MI 49544 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

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Detroit, MI

I took lessons as an adult student from Joyce off and on for several years between 1967 and about 1980. I had studied piano as a youngster and kept it as a hobby all my life, taking lessons from various teachers in whatever town I happened to be living. I benefited from the experiences of each of my teachers. My high school teacher was strict in matters of technical development--there was serious scale and chord study etc. but musical understanding and expressive playing did not seem to be a part of it. It was in my lessons with Joyce that I actually began to think about the musical phrase. For that reason I consider Joyce to have been my best piano teacher out of a group of at least ten over the years. She was the only one who was truly a "music" teacher.

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Joyce N Verhaar

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Joyce N Verhaar

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