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Ryan F. Smith, D.M.A.

Charlotte, NC 28215 (map)

Lessons Offered

Music, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

My students have won honors in state and local auditions as well as monetary awards from various organizations for their performances. I earned a doctorate in piano performance, was awarded tenure as a college professor, and have had extensive training with Taubman and Alexander techniques. I am experienced speaker and clinician, having presented to music teachers' organizations across the Southeast. I have taught full-time at the college level since 2013, but I am now working primarily outside of the college studio to pursue other career goals.

My students have won awards to attend Brevard Music Center, scholarships from the South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs, and competitive scholarships from the Columbia Music Clubs. Recently, my students won honorable mentions in the Spokane Piano Competition in Classical, Romantic, and Baroque categories.

I work well with motivated students who have a passion for learning the craft and art of music-making.

My Musical Education Background

Doctorate of Musical Arts, University of South Carolina
Master of Music, University of South Carolina
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
Bachelor of Music, Furman University

Genres and Subjects Taught

Classical Piano
Hymnody and Sacred Music
Introductory Jazz Styles

Lesson Rates

One-hour lesson: $70
Forty-five minute lessons: $55

Coachings for teachers:
90 minutes: $150

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I am best suited for serious piano students who practice daily, need strong coaching and practice skills, and are looking for solid growth as a musicians. I teach high school and more advanced middle school-age students.

In addition, I coach piano teachers on their teaching and productivity. I work with teachers who need refining their skills such as fingering, technique, developing a more ergonomic technique, and other issues.




My Certifications and Awards

My students have won awards at the SCMTA competitions, Columbia Music Teachers Competitions, South Carolina Federation of Music Clubs Scholarships, Spokane Piano Competition, and other regional awards. My students have participated in masterclasses with many well known pianists such as Ann Schein, Nelita True, Sandra Shen, and Scott Price.

I am tenured college professor in music, and I'm taking some time away from the college studio to pursue other professional interests. Prior to earning my doctorate, I was a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music through MTNA. I have performed recitals from Charleston to New York and as far west at Tacoma, Washington. I have recorded and arranged hymn settings primarily for sacred piano. My most recent project is a collection of intermediate level settings of spirituals. 

My Musical Influences

My favorite composers to play are Schubert and Schumann, Liszt, Mozart, and the Impressionists.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Columbia, SC

Making music is so much more than playing the notes on the page. Ryan Smith skillfully and patiently helps his students make music. In addition to being an excellent pianist himself, he is able to pass along techniques to others, enabling them to bring to life the notes written on a page. The lovely sound is accompanied by correct hand positioning which keeps a pianist from damaging their hands. Musical phrasing, proper technique, and appropriate music are all presented in a positive atmosphere which enhances the learning experience. We highly recommend Ryan Smith's piano studio.

Columbia, SC

Ryan is an excellent mentor, regardless of the student's skill level. As a church pianist for 20 years, I was seeking to improve my technique and expand my repertoire. After searching for the right fit, I settled on Ryan, and haven't regretted a moment. He has helped me expand my knowledge and pushed me to the edge of my abilities. Ryan's commitment to his craft is second to none and I highly respect him on a professional and personal level. I wouldn't hesitate for one second to recommend him to anyone.

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