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Maria Epperson

Ogden, UT 84404 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

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Student Reviews

Ogden, UT

Maria is a very talented piano teacher. She knows how to teach young children so they can understand and play the piano. She also taught my 67 year old mother to play. My mother had taken lessons before but not until Maria was she able to play difficult pieces.

Broken Arrow , OK

Mrs. Epperson was my teacher for three years. I started at the age of seve, furious that I had been taken out of my ballet classes to take piano lessons. I was so angry that I told my father that I would not play a single note. I have now been playing for seven years, and been in countless competitions. I have a box of trophies that I haven't the slightest idea what to do with, because there are so many. Mrs. Epperson moved when I was ten years old, leaving me to take from another teacher. After my first lesson, my new teacher remarked on my skills at sight reading, and my correct fingering (a rarity among piano students!) I knew many scales and chords by heart knowing the difference between a I and IV chord by heart. Mrs. Epperson forced me into living my potential, knowing that if i practiced and tried, I would be a proud pianist for my accomplishments. The road of music is not by any means an easy one, but with the foundation built by Maria Epperson, it is a road that is now possible.

Tulsa, OK

Mrs. Epperson was my teacher for close to five years when she lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is a wonderful teacher and a delightful person who will do everything possible to help you succeed and become the best musician possible. During my studies with her, she prepared me for college auditions and provided me with the essential skills I would need to succeed as a college piano major. She also teaches music theory and history as part of her piano curriculum, which is extremely helpful, especially as you advance in your study of music. Additionally, Mrs. Epperson encourages students to participate in auditions and competitions and other music events, which is really great for building confidence and gaining performance experience. Upon entering college, I found that, thanks to my time with Mrs. Epperson, I was very well prepared to meet the demands of being a music major. Her instruction is caring, insightful, and very thorough. She is not only concerned with her students' musical achievements but also with their overall well-being and growth. She is always thoughtful about taking the students' interests and goals into consideration. Because of Mrs. Epperson's help I was able to earn a scholarship to obtain a degree in piano performance. Now that I have graduated college, I'm working as a professional musician and teacher and I'm grateful for all the help and encouragement from Mrs. Epperson. I highly recommend her!

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