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Teresa A Compos-falk

Yorktown, VA 23692 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

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Student Reviews

Virginia Beach, VA

Superior instruction! With her Juilliard education and professional performance experience, Mrs. Falk delivers top-notch lessons. She meets students at their own levels and brings out their distinct abilities that allow their playing to shine! Mrs. Falk nurtures her younger students in their musical and technical growth while providing counsel and support to her older students as they pursue higher learning. We drive an hour each way to receive this level of unparalleled teaching.

Yorktown, VA

I am very excited to write a review for Teri Falk. Mrs. Falk has been my son’s piano teacher for nearly 4 years now; since September 2012. Whenever I talk to people about his piano teacher, I always use the word “phenomenal.” My son, who is now age 13, began taking lessons from a different teacher in 2011, and while we could see the potential, his progress just wasn’t very fast. By a stroke of luck (which we really like to think of as divine intervention), someone I worked with suggested Mrs. Falk as a future teacher. We were able to look her up on the internet and quickly got an interview time. As they say… the rest is history! Miss Teri, as we fondly call her, is so passionate about teaching piano. She loves each and every one of her students and pours herself into each lesson. Their level of playing, I believe, is a direct result of that passion for the music and love for her students. Don’t get me wrong; however, there is work involved! Mrs. Falk is a very accomplished pianist and her expertise in her craft allows her to impart excellence in her students. There are expectations of dedicated practice and focus, but the rewards on her students’ efforts definitely pay off. Miss Teri has a way of teaching the piano techniques and concepts that are on a student’s level, and has come up with many fun and also funny ways of getting the point across! Many of her students compete in local and non-local competitions and win in the highest award categories, not to mention obtaining large scholarships to colleges and universities all over the United States. While her fees are more than your average neighborhood piano teacher, my thinking as the years have progressed is “you get what you pay for”… a piano education that reaps excellence in music performance, with a foundation in theory and music history as well. There has not been a day that I regret my son joining Miss Teri’s studio, and we look forward to many more years to come, whether that means my son will go on to major in music in college or use the skills he has developed while taking lessons (love of music, focus, discipline, two-sided brain work) just to be a better person and successful individual.

Virginia Beach, VA

About 15 or so years ago, my daughter, Sara, was a student of Ms. Falk from about age 6 - 8. She had already had 4 years of Suzuki violin, and basic piano intro, as I am a piano teacher. Myself a product of "Juilliard parents" in the NY area, I only wanted that calibre of a teacher for my daughter.... and that is what we got! Ms. Falk absolutely brought out the best in my daughter, and going to a Falk Recital always included hearing world-class quality older students. I was thrilled to have found such an amazing teacher, and one that clearly was adored by her students. If you want serious piano study for your child.... this is the teacher for you!

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Teresa A Compos-falk

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