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Laura Skrebunas

Bedford, OH 44146 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

Lesson Format - Each lesson is taught in 1/2 hour to hour increments. I teach traditional format, with the emphasis on music reading and theory. Recitals/Workshops - Each year in December, children participate in workshops with other children which include a mini-recital, games, and theory enhancement. Each child participates in one spring recital per year. I currently teach on Tues/Thurs/Sat, and charge $15.00 per half hour lesson, with student/parent supplying books.

My Musical Education Background

My Experience - I studied for thirteen years in Pennsylvania under the renowned Mrs. Alice Challener. I continued to study Music Education at Hiram College in Hiram, OH, graduating with a degree in Music Education. I taught General Music for grades Kinder

Genres and Subjects Taught


My Certifications and Awards

MTNA - Music Teachers National Association

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Laura Skrebunas

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