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Diane Goldsmith

Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

I'm a piano teacher in Cherry Hill, NJ, skilled at bringing out the best in students. I do this by tailoring my approach to their individual learning styles, ability and musical interests.
Whether you're a child just beginning to learn, a talented youngster exploring music seriously, or an adult returning to the keyboard after many years, I can help you achieve your goals.

My Musical Education Background

I'm an acclaimed pianist with an active performing schedule, who models for her students the connection between what is learned in the studio and the communication and joy it can bring to others. I've won praise for my recitals in Lincoln Center and my chamber music in Carnegie Recital Hall but take equal pride in motivating students at every interest and ability level.
I hold a master's degree from Manhattan School of Music and studied piano privately with Gary Graffman, former director of the Curtis Institute of Music. I've also studied art song, opera and chamber music at the celebrated Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Students who are just beginning are taught to read music as well as find their way around the keyboard. I include some playing by ear and music theory - learning about chords and other building blocks of music - because they enhance a student's progress.
I help students improve their fluency at the piano through note recognition homework and easy studies they can play. I encourage expressive playing at all levels.
I teach music from the classical, pop, jazz and musical theater genres. For those who are interested, I also teach keyboard harmony - showing students alternate ways to harmonize melodies and embellish them, accompany a vocal line, transpose.

Lesson Rates

All lessons in my Cherry Hill studio. Rates upon request.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach all ages, ability and skill levels. I motivate students with a casual interest and work with serious students to prepare them for a musical career.

My Certifications and Awards

As a student, I won the Eastern Division of the Music Teachers National Association piano auditions and went on to represent the East Coast in competition for the national finals. Several years later, I won the Mason & Hamlin Competition.

My Musical Influences

My main piano teachers have been Gary Graffman, Dora Zaslavsky and Nadia Reisenberg.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Sicklerville, NJ

I have improved greatly thanks to her lessons. Diane is very professional and has a wealth of knowledge about the piano and music. She is an excellent teacher for all ages

Cherry Hill, NJ

Diane has been teaching our daughter for 2 years and is amazing. Sarah has perfect pitch, but was reluctant to learn to read music. Diane is a patient and creative teacher who adapts her teaching based on your child's personality and skill set.

Cherry Hill, NJ

I am an adult intermediate student that recently returned to the piano after taking a few years off for a lack of progress. I decided a new instructor was in order, and I found a dynamic instructor with a very patient approach. Diane Goldsmith understands what holds me back and helps me structure my practices so that I overcome my technical difficulties. She encourages me to enjoy the instrument by tapping into my musical interests and passions. Besides her talent as an accomplished musician, she applies exceptional teaching techniques by understanding her students individual strengths and interests. She is an excellent teacher, and I recommend her without reservation.

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