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Diana Pineda

Columbus, GA 31901 (map)

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In Teacher Studio

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About Me

Diana Pineda is a talented flutist and flute teacher assistant. Born and raised in Colombia, Diana developed a passion for the flute from a young age and dedicated herself to mastering the instrument. After completing her studies in Colombia, Diana was offered a prestigious opportunity to work as a flute teacher assistant at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Her role allowed her to guide and inspire aspiring flutists, instilling in them a deep appreciation for the instrument and helping them hone their skills. Additionally, Diana's remarkable talent led her to win a solo competition at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, an accomplishment that showcased her technical expertise and musical artistry. Her performance captivated the judges and left a lasting impression on the audience, solidifying her reputation as an exceptional flutist. Acknowledging her exceptional abilities, the Louisiana Flute Society awarded Diana an honorary mention for her outstanding performance in the flute solo competition. This recognition serves as a testament to her dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to her craft. Diana continues to push the boundaries of her talent, consistently seeking opportunities to collaborate with other musicians and expand her repertoire. Through her captivating performances and commitment to education, she aims to inspire the next generation of flutists and leave a lasting impact on the world of music.

Diana Pineda is a talented flutist and flute teacher assistant. Born and raised in Colombia, Diana developed a passion for the flute from a young age and dedicated herself to mastering the instrument. After completing her studies in Colombia, Diana was offered a prestigious opportunity to work as a flute teacher assistant at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Her role allowed her to guide and inspire aspiring flutists, instilling in them a deep appreciation for the instrument and helping them hone their skills. Additionally, Diana's remarkable talent led her to win a solo competition at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, an accomplishment that showcased her technical expertise and musical artistry. Her performance captivated the judges and left a lasting impression on the audience, solidifying her reputation as an exceptional flutist. Acknowledging her exceptional abilities, the Louisiana Flute Society awarded Diana an honorary mention for her outstanding performance in the flute solo competition. This recognition serves as a testament to her dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to her craft. Diana continues to push the boundaries of her talent, consistently seeking opportunities to collaborate with other musicians and expand her repertoire. Through her captivating performances and commitment to education, she aims to inspire the next generation of flutists and leave a lasting impact on the world of music.


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