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Donald M. Corbett

Merlin, OR 97532 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

I am the son of Salvation Army missionary parents. When they eventually returned to their native country of Canada, I began piano lessons at the age of 12. I was privileged to have many excellent piano teachers, all of whom were affiliated with the Royal Conservatory of Toronto, Canada, the last of whom, was a concert pianist and adjudicator. Upon graduation from the Conservatory with their degree of ARCT, I began teaching piano students, while also involving myself in organ studies, with the intent of also becoming a Liturgical Church organist. Subsequently, I moved to San Francisco, where I later became an American citizen. I finally culminated my studies in organ with Mr. Richard Purvis, organist/choirmaster at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, Calif. In order to obtain an additional academic background, I enrolled at the University of Long Beach, Calif., graduating as a music major with a B.A. and M.A. degrees. In addition, I have been associated as the organist/choir director with many denominational churches, the latest of which is St. Lukes Episcopal here in Grants Pass. I have also taught piano, organ, and theory lessons for the past 38 years.

My Musical Education Background

In 1950, I won a silver medal for the second highest marks in piano performance for all of Canada. This involved an examination conducted by the Royal Conservatory of Toronto. I subsequently graduated from the Conservatory with their diploma degree of ARCT (association of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto.) In addition, I commenced organ studies with the Conservatory, to eventually become an organist and choir director, which involved employment with various denominations. My college background relates to the University of Long Beach, Calif., where I graduated as a music major with the B.A. and M.A. degrees. I have also had the priviledge to travel frequently to Europe, where I have been further educated in excellent liturgical church music, having visited many of their fine Cathedrals.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I am a firm believer in teaching students a good background in classical music. This will develop a students technique, chord progressions and their structures, repertoire and love of the many great works of the masters. With this background, I am also open to teaching avenues of popular and jazz idioms. In addition, some may wish to learn related church music, such as Hymns, Carols, or the many great works of church composers such as J.S. Bach etc.
Finally, I will teach to greater explain, the history, and theory involved in producing music. I shall also involve my sense of humor, in making my students enjoy, and increase their desire in learning to play the piano.

Lesson Rates

My fee is $20.00 for a lesson period up to one hour, depending on the concentration given me by the student. I will also teach in your home, or at my place of residence, where I possess a 6'6" Steinway grand piano. Rates for 2 or more members of a family taking lessons, may be negotiated lower.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I have taught students as young as 5 years of age.
Additionally, I will teach any interested adult (provided they are not over 100 years, and can still stand!) Conversely, I will only accept students who are serious in learning to play the piano, and are willing to disipline themselves to accomplish this.

My Certifications and Awards

In 1950 I won my first award (a silver medal,) as the second best in piano performance examinations, given by the Royal Conservatory of Toronto, based on all the participants in Canada. My additional piano and theory studies, eventually culminated in attaining their graduation diploma of ARCT (Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto.)
Since my move to the U.S.A., I also graduated as a music major from the University of Long Beach, Calif. with a B.A. and M.A. I am a member of the American Guild of Organists. I have also played many individual recitals on the organ, and have 6 current organ compositions published.

My Musical Influences

Having listened to many recordings and concerts of remarkable orchestral, piano, organ, and choral music of such composers as Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, J.S. Bach, Mozart, to just name a few, it opened a new horizon of the love of music. My private tutors were also a great influence, in assisting and encouraging me to progress to my current status as a musician.

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