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Elena Gomez

Sacramento, CA 95826 (map)

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About Me

Elena Gomez is a classically trained violinist from Bilbao, Spain. Her credentials include degrees from Musikene in San Sebastian (Spain), Codarts in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), and University of Santiago de Compostela  in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). After finishing her master´s degree in orchestral music, Elena began pursuing a career in music education by enrolling in a teacher training program through the European Suzuki Association where she completed three years of intensive training to become a certified Suzuki Method instructor.

Taken from her training in the Suzuki method, Elena believes that every child has the ability to play an instrument and that parental involvement creates a more successful learning environment for the students. She has specialized in violin education for young students, ranging in age from 3-14. What Elena loves most about being a violin instructor is the connections that she can make with each and every student. As a Spanish national, Elena is fluent in both Spanish and English.

My Musical Education Background

Suzuki Violin Teacher - Level 3 (able to teach up to  book 5)

European Suzuki Association


Postgraduate Orchestra Specialization Course

Teacher James Dalgreen, Concertino of the Orchestra Real Filarmonia de Galicia 

Escola Altos Estudos Musicais Galicia (Spain)


Bachelor of Music, with specialization in Violin

Teacher Andras Czifra

Codarts Rotterdam, University of Arts, (The Netherlands)


Bachelor of Music, with specialization in Violin 

Teacher, Charles Bingham

Musikene, Basque Country ( Spain)

Lesson Rates

$ 40- 30 min

$ 55 - 1 hour

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I love to work with kids from 3-4 years old until 14, but every age is welcome. 

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