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Faton Macula

Bronx, NY 10462 (map)

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About Me

My teaching approach: I believe that practice is everything, and is the foundation of a good musician I always try to instill the importance of a good routine with scales and exercises that will make your playing effortless.

My influences are: George Benson, Mark Whitfield, Joe Pass.

 Guitar Techniques: Lead guitar, Rhythm guitar, Fingerstyle, Vocal Accompaniment, Performance, Improvisation, Jamming Skills, Reading Music, Music Theory, Scales and Exercises, Song Writing, Recording and Production, Guidance In Equipment Selection.

Your first guitar lesson with me might include the following: The first lesson is mainly an introduction to my approach, assessing a student's playing ability is something that after my many years of experience can be done very quickly, so the introductory lesson is geared towards finding out what the student wants to learn and how far he wants to go with the classes. A guitar lesson with me might entail the following: We first go through technique, then the exercises for the left and right hand, followed by scales and harmonies,note reading and jamming through songs, all this according to the level of the student. The qualities I look for in an ideal guitar student might include the following: Somebody that's willing to learn and practice.


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