My name is Annette Kebsch but my students call me Miss Annette
since my last name can be tricky to pronounce. I have been
teaching private lessons for 46 years. My music degree is
from Washington State University where I studied with Alfred
Boyington and Alan Bodman. I also studied music at the
University of Washington with Vilem Sokol when I was a young
teen. After graduating from college I taught music in the
public schools in Ala...
I have been teaching private cello instruction for 25 years and
particularly enjoy teaching the beginning cellist and developing a
strong foundation from which to build on. I tailor each lesson to
meet the needs of the individual student and use a variety of books
and lesson materials to foster skill building and musical growth. I
love teaching now as much as I did 20 years ago and I'm much better
at it!...