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Lessons in Bowdoinham, ME

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Bowdoinham Teachers Available for Lessons

Pierce Piano Studio

Pierce Piano Studio

Topsham, ME - Lessons

Joel is a pianist, organist, conductor, and private piano and organ instructor from Topsham, Maine. Joel recently left behind the heat of the southern Arizona desert to create music in beautiful Maine. He leaves behind three music ministries in Arizona. He served as the organist, pianist, and director of music and handbells at Valley Presbyterian Church, and was the orga...

Pat Cannon

Pat Cannon

Brunswick, ME - Lessons

At this stage in life, I am choosing to do those things that are most important, energizing and fun. I have always found great enjoyment performing and playing various styles of music AND come alive when guiding others to make time for music in their lives. (I have taught music privately, in public and private schools, community centers and churches for 25 years!)Currently I enjoy playing for family dances and jam informally with...

Nell Britton Piano Studio

Nell Britton Piano Studio

Auburn, ME - Lessons

Nell Britton Piano Studio offers piano lessons in Auburn, Maine for students ages preschool through highschool. Her studio is located at 31 Pinnacle Drive in Auburn, ME.

Joyce T Clark

Joyce T Clark

Woolwich, ME - Lessons

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