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Gettysburg Teachers Available for Lessons

Ed Green Guitar Skool

Ed Green Guitar Skool

New Oxford, PA - Lessons

 I have developed the "Play My Guitar Now" methodology to help you work out learning songs, chords, solos, improvisation and the fretboard in a more efficient approach. This enables you, even if you have a busy schedule, the ability to become a guitarist even if you only have a small amount of time each day. The programs are geared to your goals and takes you away from following lessons out a book that become mechanical and r...

Erin Petrella

Erin Petrella

Thurmont, MD - Lessons

My family and I moved to Thurmont, MD in June 2021. I enjoy teaching piano and I'm acccepting students at my studio in Thurmont and also Hagerstown. Check out my website: (contact me)...

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