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Lessons in Keizer, OR

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Keizer Teachers Available for Lessons

Marcy Davis Piano Studio - Piano Lessons For Adults

Marcy Davis Piano Studio - Piano Lessons For Adults

Salem, OR - Lessons

Though my degree is in Classical music, I find beauty and value in all forms of music. I'm always eager to explore something new, whether it's taking lessons myself, watching webinars about the latest teaching techniques, or letting my students introduce me to their favorite tunes and composers. I like to push myself to learn new things out of my comfort zone...

Audrey Horowitz Piano Studio

Audrey Horowitz Piano Studio

Mcminnville, OR - Lessons

Audrey Horowitz is a pianist, teacher, and collaborative artist residing in McMinnville, Oregon. She has been teaching piano since 2013 and runs a piano studio in her home for all ages and abilities.

Denise L Steinbach

Denise L Steinbach

Salem, OR - Lessons

Dorothygrace Bernhard

Dorothygrace Bernhard

Salem, OR - Lessons

Pamela S Miller

Pamela S Miller

Salem, OR - Lessons

Alma C. Marianos

Alma C. Marianos

Salem, OR - Lessons

Annette Rogers

Annette Rogers

Mcminnville, OR - Lessons

Catherine D Huxford

Catherine D Huxford

Monmouth, OR - Lessons

Betty Mills

Betty Mills

Mcminnville, OR - Lessons

Evelyn M Annala

Evelyn M Annala

Dundee, OR - Lessons

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