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Lessons in Sebastopol, CA

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Sebastopol Teachers Available for Lessons

Leslie Gardner

Leslie Gardner

Sebastopol, CA - Lessons

Ann L Boatright

Ann L Boatright

Sebastopol, CA - Lessons

Roxanne Michaelian

Roxanne Michaelian

Rohnert Park, CA - Lessons

I started taking piano lessons when I was five years old. I have soloed with the San Francisco Symphony twice, soloed with the Denver Symphony, the Oakland Symphony, New Century Chamber Orchestra, San Francisco Chamber Orchestra and the Palo Alto Philharmonic. I also have performed on such series as Chamber Music West, Chamber Music Sundaes, and Music at Kirkwood.  Teaching background: Pr...

Anna Harriette Foshee

Anna Harriette Foshee

Windsor, CA - Lessons

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