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Flute Lessons in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

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Rancho Palos Verdes Flute Teachers Available for Lessons

Frederick Staff Studios

Frederick Staff Studios

Playa Vista, CA - Flute Lessons

Please View Flute LessonsLos Angeles on You Tube(Affordable Flute Lessons)See Flute Classroom on GoogleEnjoy My World Famous Songof the Angels Flute Orchestraon You Tube...

Gina's Flute Studio

Gina's Flute Studio

Playa Vista, CA - Flute Lessons

As a firm believer in the education of today’s youth, Gina is involved in many projects. Gina is the Alumni Advisor for Utah Youth Orchestras and Ensembles and has been a woodwind coach for both the Utah Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Utah Youth Philharmonic. She also teaches weekly as the flute coach for San Marino Middle School and for the Young Musicians Mentor Program. She has had the wonderful opportunity to be a mentor for two years...

IMusic Academy

IMusic Academy

Santa Monica, CA - Flute Lessons

From private lessons in the comfort of your home, to after school programs and custom programs suited to your needs, iMusic Academy brings the love of music into your life. Involvement with music is fundamental for our culture and behavior. Music has been shown to increase brain functions as well as brain stimulation. ...

Huntington Beach School Of Music

Huntington Beach School Of Music

Huntington Beach, CA - Flute Lessons

Rancho Palos Verdes Flute Lessons with LessonRating

If you are living in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and want to learn or refine your skills with the flute, look no further than the list of reputable flute instructors in the Rancho Palos Verdes area on Lessonrating.com. No matter what part of Rancho Palos Verdes you're in, there's sure to be a number of available flute teachers within a few miles of your home.

Lessonrating.com makes instructor images and profiles readily available for easy viewing. Prospective students can find out which flute teachers operate from their own studios in Rancho Palos Verdes and which ones are willing to come to your part of town. Additionally, profiles include a portion for instructors to share, in their own words, their philosophy on teaching the flute and why playing the instrument has remained such a passion for them.

Flute lessons are just a few clicks away thanks to Lessonrating.com's system of connecting Rancho Palos Verdes players with highly-rated instructors. Give it a try and see for yourself.

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