My name is Ms. Cheryl and I have been teaching piano for 28 years.
I enjoy it even more today with the many wonderful tools technology
has provided for contemporary kids! You can find out more and see
photos if you visit my web site. There is a computer theory lab for
students when they finish their lesson with me each week. The
studio also features a wonderful weekly reward table that changes
themes every ...
As a young child I would toddle up to the toy piano at the
department store and stare at it in awe, ignoring all other toys.
As an adult (age 53) I toddle up to the latest model electronic
keyboard and stare at it in awe. Music is everything. It is in your
tone of voice while you ask a girl out for a date. It is your
innermost feelings expressed over time on that percussion
instrument known as a piano. Music is that blues number that...
Many faceted singer, accompanist, conductor and actor. Specialist
in working with both Classical and Contemporary Commercial
Musicians. Singer-Pianists and beginning pianists welcome!...