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Piano Lessons in Buzzards Bay, MA

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Buzzards Bay Piano Teachers Available for Lessons

Kari Fietek

Kari Fietek

Mashpee, MA - Piano Lessons

Kari Fietek is the founder and former owner or Score Music Studios in Sandwich, MA for 17 years. Her private teaching career began at the age of 14. She studied classical piano at Wisconsin Conservatory of Music in Milwaukee. After high school she studied A level Music in England and achieved Grade VIII classical piano through Britain Royal College of Music system. She played first horn in Milwaukee Youth Symphony and Wisconsin State Honors band,...

Michelle Gordon Piano Studio

Michelle Gordon Piano Studio

Mattapoisett, MA - Piano Lessons

I have been teaching for 30 years, and am Certified in Piano by the Music Teacher's National Association. My mission is to help every student to discover their inner ability to express themselves through mus...

Kathleen Massoud Piano Studio

Kathleen Massoud Piano Studio

New Bedford, MA - Piano Lessons

Melissa Harris

Melissa Harris

Sandwich, MA - Piano Lessons

I HAVE LEARNED THERE LIES DORMANT IN THE SOULS OF ALL MEN A PENCHANT FOR SOME PARTICULAR MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, AND AN UNSUSPECTED YEARNING TO LEARN TO PLAY ON IT, THAT ARE BOUND TO WAKE UP AND DEMAND ATTENTION SOME DAY. Mark Twain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Harris Piano Studio is the only studio on Cape Cod devoted exclusively to adult and senior music education, off...

Jessie C Williams

Jessie C Williams

Centerville, MA - Piano Lessons

Michelle Gordon

Michelle Gordon

Mattapoisett, MA - Piano Lessons

Karen Hancock

Karen Hancock

Carver, MA - Piano Lessons

Eleanor Carlson

Eleanor Carlson

Fairhaven, MA - Piano Lessons

Buzzards Bay Piano Lessons with LessonRating

Learning piano from a quality teacher in Buzzards Bay is easy through Lessonrating.com. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or experienced piano player in Buzzards Bay, you can sort through our instructors' profiles to find one meeting your individual needs.

Teacher profiles on Lessonrating.com include photographs, background details, hours of availability, a place for the instructors to open up about themselves, and, ratings provided by past and present students. This information provides prospective piano students like you with the insights you need to find a suitable Buzzards Bay area instructor. Finding a piano instructor through Lessonrating.com beats more traditional methods such as scouring the Buzzards Bay classifieds, and puts you in touch with your teacher of choice in no time.

Sign-up with Lessonrating.com today and start searching for the Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts piano instructor who's right for you. It's fast, simple, and sure to get you playing piano in no time.

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