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Jake Schmidt

Clemson, SC 29631 (map)

Lessons Offered

Guitar, Music Theory, Percussion, Piano, Singing

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

Virtual / Online

About Me

Hi, I'm Jake, your new music teacher!

My Musical Education Background

I have been teaching private lessons for over 10 years, and have a Music Education degree as well as a degree in Recording Technology. 

Genres and Subjects Taught

Guitar, Piano, Voice, Drums, Music Theory, Recording & Mixing

Lesson Rates

1/2 Hour Lessons- $30 

Full Hour Lessons- $50

Note: For in-home lessons, I charge a little bit for gas! We will base the charge for gas on the quickest route per Google Maps. (Not counting the time I spend in rush-hour traffic)

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

My expertise...

I teach acoustic and electric guitar at all levels, as well as beginner to intermediate piano. I coach all ages for singing/vocal lessons and will include music theory with every instrument, excluding recording lessons. I also offer lessons which are exclusively music theory, however I recommend choosing an instrument :)

My Certifications and Awards

John Philip Sousa Band Award

My Musical Influences

My influences are old to new. . . I was a wedding DJ for a professional Disc Jockey Service for 4 years, and ran 300+ events in that time which thuroughly broadened my musical tastes. 

I have too many favorites to list them all, but I can enjoy most any genre depending on the circumstances. It is healthy to go through diffrerent phases of musical preference.

Rock n' Roll, Blues, Pop, and Heavy Metal are my favorite genres:) Oh, plus punk and old school country and bluegrass too. I also love folk, rap, and mariachi. 

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Jake Schmidt

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