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Joseph Alessandro, Practical Rhythms Drum Studios

La Mirada, CA 90638 (map)

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In Teacher Studio

Virtual / Online

About Me

Joe A, award winning educator and author of “The True Basics of Drumming” attended Music Institute of Technology (MIT), Hollywood, California where he was introduced to music theory, various drum set styles and playing techniques. Joe continued his music education studying with several name musicians such as Paul Cush, formerly of CBS Studios; Terry Bozzio and Chuck Silverman. Joe has studied, work with and received credit from Chuck Silverman’s compilation “The Funk Masters” published by Warner Bros. A veteran drummer of more than 25 years, Joe began playing at the age of 13 where he started out in the typical fashion of jamming with his buddies playing practically every night. Joe has been teaching students of all ages for more than 20 years and has been awarded by highly acclaimed Vic Firth (Vic Firth drum sticks) for his contributions in education and recognized for musical integrity, dedication, professionalism and outstanding contributions to teaching. Joe has performed and been an instructor/clinician at several universities, colleges, schools, churches, and music stores; He has appeared at schools throughout California, Nevada, and Colorado, to name a few states. In closing, Joe manages to teach at his Practical Rhythms Studio, and performs master classes, clinics, concerts and tours throughout the year and still finds time to write and produce his instructional videos, The True Basics of Drumming.

My Musical Education Background

Link to Learn - Senior Director of Drums and Percussion - 2012 - Present University of Recording Arts and Music- Director of Drums and Percussion - 2008 - 2010 Practical Rhythms Drum Studio's - Owner/Operator - 1992 - Present Music Institute Technology - Associates in Music-1980 -1981

Genres and Subjects Taught

All styles of music including the four primary genres (Rock, Jazz, Funk, Blues).

Lesson Rates

Starting at $120 per month (Four 1/2 hour lessons per month) includes the 5th lesson of the month free - Hourly lessons are available. All lessons are performed at Practical Rhythms Drum Studios. Your first lesson will include a FREE instructional drum video along with a cymbal hand guide and a free rudiment chart. All Practical Rhythms drum studios are equipped with two full drum sets a hand rudiment reading station and full access to any style of music the student may want to learn. Contact for more details/incentive rates.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced - All ages

My Certifications and Awards

Certificate of Appreciation Jan 2008, from Vic Firth Drumsticks for Musical integrity, dedication, professionalism, and outstanding contribution to teaching. *****Contributions to Education Jan 2006, from Vic Firth Drumsticks for contributions in education. Recognized for musical integrity, dedication, professionalism and outstanding contributions to teaching. ***** Mentor to high school and college students in his local and surrounding communities. Background Check 10/30/15 includes the following: NCR, SSN Trace Verification.

My Musical Influences

Rock, Jazz, Pop, Funk, Blues

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