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Join The Band Music Lessons Studio

Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Mandolin, Music Theory, Piano, Ukulele

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

Join the Band’s staff of university trained professionals offer private, in-studio for guitar, bass, drums, voice, and piano in Los Angeles including the Sherman Oaks, Encino, Studio City and Van Nuys areas. All we do is teach music lessons.

Private music lessons provide students the fastest road to improvement and a more rewarding, enjoyable experience with their instruments. Our talented staff of  teachers are well qualified to teach beginner through advanced levels in a variety of styles including rock, jazz, blues, classical, pop, classic rock, heavy metal, alternative, country, blue grass, reggae and more.


Our studio is located at:

5928 Van Nuys, Blvd

Sherman Oaks, CA 91401


Call us today to start your music lessons at (contact me)

My Musical Education Background

Our talented staff of teachers have attended the best music colleges in the country. Including: Berklee College of Music, Musician's Institiute, Cal Arts, North Texas State, USC and many more. Call us today to start your music lessons!

Genres and Subjects Taught

Our well qualified music teachers teach begginers through advanced levels in a variety of styles including rock, jazz, blues, pop, metal and more. Whether you are new to music lessons or looking to advance your present skills we have the right teacher for you. Many of our students continue their studies at prestigious music colleges such as:

  • Berklee College of Music,
  • Musician's Institiute,
  • Cal Arts,
  • USC and many more

We have also seen many of our students go on to have successful carreers in music.

Join A Band - in addition to our private lessons, our popular "Join the Band" program will place you in a band and prepare you to play at a local night club in Los Angeles. We have kids, teens and adults playing a variety of music in a fun supportive environment. All the equipment is supplied in our state of the art rehearsal rooms. 


Ages / Skill Levels Taught


We offer private lessons for kids, teens, and adults. Whether you are new to music lessons or looking to advance your present skills we have the right teachers for you.  

MUSIC FUN TIME - We also over a preschool group music program call MusicFunTime to introduce and prepare young children for music lessons.

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Join The Band Music Lessons Studio

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Join The Band Music Lessons Studio

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