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Knighton Piano Studio

Bountiful, UT 84010 (map)

Lessons Offered

Composition, Music Theory, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

HELLO UTAH!! My name is Kathy Knighton and I am a music educator. I have opened a piano studio in the Bountiful Music store this fall. I hope to bring a different kind of piano experience to Davis County.
I have lived and taught piano lessons in Woodbridge Virginia for fifteen years. I have five grown children and ten grandchildren. I was raised in Bountiful and look forward to this move back to my hometown.
I love music and have always had music as a big part of our family's lives. I love being a piano teacher and hope I can do it for many years to come!
I have had a successful business in Virginia teaching 45 students ranging in ages from 5 to 16.
I believe that I am the “coach” and your child is the “athlete”. When they come to lessons each week I teach and encourage them so that they can go home and do the hard part, which is practice! The parents are my “assistant coaches”, making sure that their child has a good environment in which to practice daily.

My Musical Education Background

I have played the piano since I was 8 years old and I have over 15 years of piano and elementary school teaching experience. I have developed my own approach to teaching music to children. I want them to be excited about music and all that it encompasses.
I have always had music in my home, each of my children played the piano or another instrument growing up. I was the organist in my church for many years and I have been an accompanist for choirs and musical ensembles since my youth.
I continue to update my musical education through workshops, classes and research. I also mentor prospective teachers and use them to help in my studio.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Specializing in multiple family members, I teach music reading along with theory, sight reading, and music appreciation. I also teach chord building, ear training and music composition.
Each family is issued a subscription to the Piano Explorer magazine and we highlight the composer of the month. We read about them, listen to their music and discuss other music of that period.
I also teach with the computer using lessons that educate and reaffirm the concept(s) that we are learning that week. I firmly believe in repetition so that they don't forget what they have learned as they are learning other things.
We work on music composition part of the year and each child will actually write their own piece of music. We will have an Spring concert and the children will play their original pieces for the audience.
We also have a holiday concert the first week of December.
I believe in rewarding students as much as possible. Each student can have stickers and a small candy treat from the candy machines after lessons each week. Students can earn practice points and when they have accumulated 25 practice points they get to pick out of a prize box.
My piano studio is bright and colorful and full of musical information. Lessons are meant to be enjoyable - it is when they get home that they really have to get to work!
Please remember:
* Each student must have a quiet environment in which to practice, distractions make it frustrating and hard to concentrate!
*Practicing is how they obtain muscle memory and it is mandatory if the student is expected to progress in a timely manner!
*If they don’t practice they WILL struggle and they will not progress, it’s a fact!

Lesson Rates

*Costs are as follows:
$80.00 per month per student for one weekly lesson. $160.00 for 2 children, $210.00 for 3 children.

Each lesson includes - 20 minutes of keyboard work with teacher, 20 minutes of independent work from weekly lesson plan (which is level appropriate), and 10 minutes of student specific work under direction of teacher.

*There is a $10.00 registration fee per child. Paypal payment invoices are sent monthly and payments can be made by usig paypal or by check, credit card or cash.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Specializing in the young beginner
5 years and older
No Adults
Home School group lessons available (contact for time and special pricing)

My Musical Influences

I love classical music especially composers Clementi and Debussy. I have a soft spot for a good sonatina and I love going to the symphony.
I teach from the Piano Adventure series by Faber and Faber. I teach from Music Masters books when age/level appropriate. I also use supplemental music programs & books to enhance the student's experience.
I want the kids to love what they are playing and I have many books that I loan out for them to enjoy!

Service Area

Student Reviews

Woodbridge, VA

Thank you for making me like piano again, you are a great teacher.

Woodbridge, VA

Thanks for being a great teacher and for keeping me on my feet!

Woodbridge, VA

Thank you for being a fun piano teacher, I enjoy being in your class.

Woodbridge, VA

Thank you for teaching me piano! My favorite thing was that we didn't have to play the song perfectly, just a good as we can.

Woodbridge, VA

I love learning piano with you! My favorite song is the Irish Dance and I like popcorn day!

Woodbridge, VA

Thank you so much for being a wonderful piano teacher! You have taught me so much. I really enjoy being able to compose my own song.

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