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New Horizons Piano Studio

Crowley, TX 76036 (map)

Lessons Offered

Music Theory, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

I have taught public school music in Pampa, Pasadena, Austin, and Sherman, TX school districts.

I taught private piano in Sherman, TX. In 1973, I moved to Arlington, TX. I opened a private piano studio there in the fall of 1973 and taught piano until 1991. I opened New Horizons Piano Studio in 2009.

I recommend a visit to my studio to see the facility and meet me. Then you can decide if this is the best place for your lessons.

During your visit you may listen to recordings of various students on Spring Recitals.

My Musical Education Background

I began private piano lessons at the age of 7.
In the 9th grade I began study with Mrs. Malone who held a degree in piano from Colorado University in Denver.

I obtained a Bachelor of Music Degree in Music Education from the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. As part of my studies I took private piano, voice and organ.

I believe we continue to learn throughout our lives. Since obtaining my degree I have taken additional private lessons in voice and in piano. I've also taken workshops in Teaching Group Piano at UT Austin, and a Graduate course in using Jazz Elements in teaching piano at UTA Arlington.

In addition I have attended numerous mini workshops on various subjects from how to practice to piano technique presented by William Gillock, David C. Glover, Lynn Freeman Olson, and James Bastien plus many others.

Genres and Subjects Taught

THEORY - The Student Affiliate Theory Test serves as a guide for Theory classes. Classes will also explore voicing for chords, a basic intro to Bach choral style. There will be an introduction to various forms of music. Some exploration of composition will be used to aid understanding of the structure of music forms and the relationship of musical phrases.

PIANO - Piano is taught from a classical approach. There is presentation of correct hand positions and use of the arms. There is a major emphasis on keyboard skills through chords, cadences, arpeggios and scales. The student's comfort with the keyboard will determine their ability to sight read, and influence improvisation and ability to transpose. Piano (or any other instrument) can not be played with ease without knowledge of "theory". How can you read music if you do not know any of the symbols on the page? That is basic theory and is an absolute necessity. Learn the basics and you can play any kind of music you want to play.

I also believe young children can not choose a type of music that is their first love without experiencing many different kinds. They will play jazz, pop, songs from movies, and hymn-style chorales as well as 'classical' piano selections.

Lesson Rates

Most students take a 30 minute lesson each week. The monthly tuition is $80. During the 9 month school year a student will have 36 lessons.

Most students will need to change to a 45 minute lesson as they reach Intermediate levels. The pieces are longer and more complex needing more instruction time. The Tuition for 45 minute lessons is $120

When a family has more than 1 member taking lessons, the first student pays full tuition and a discount is applied to each additional student's tuition.

A $10 materials fee is charged once a year in September. Each student pays for their music books and sheet music.

A Theory Center and an Ear Training Center are in the studio. Each student is encouraged to use these centers. Theory classes are also held on Fridays. Students are scheduled in groups of 3 or 4 based on age and level of advancement. There is no extra charge for these classes.

New Horizons Piano studio is equipped with 2 acoustic pianos and an electronic piano lab.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach students from age 4 and up and from beginning to advanced levels.

You are never to old to learn to play the piano. You can enjoy your favorite style of music - learn to play that song your always loved. If you have secretly wished you could play, give it a try and see what happens!

For the very young students, a parent will need to attend lessons with the child, and you will need to work with the child when practicing at home. This parental support will continue until the child can read independently. Don't panic. The parent does not need to know how to play the piano. All early childhood materials have lots of pictures to help you. You will learn beginning piano with your child. Just relax and enjoy a fun experience.

All materials used are chosen based on the age and experience of the student. The same book is not used by a 4 year old, a 4th grader, and a 40 year old adult.

My Certifications and Awards

I am a member of the following professional organizations:

National Guild of Piano Teachers
Music Teachers National Association
Texas Music Teachers Association
Fort Worth Music Teachers Association
Arlington Music Teachers Association

Through these memberships my students who wish to participate may perform in various music festival and participate in Texas Student Affiliate activities.

My Musical Influences

My Father was a major early influence for me. I learned to sing sitting in his lap. As he drove me to school, we would sing in the car. I learned some German folk tunes, some of his favorite country tunes, and many church hymns. My Father and one of his sisters sang in a church quartet growing up. By 9 I was playing hymns for them & singing soprano. (Dad sang Bass & his sister was an alto.)

I listened to a lot of Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman during the 40's. In the 50's of course I listened to Hit Parade.

I still like Swing, especially Glenn Miller, and LOVE jazz. Ragtime and Dixieland are among my favorites styles. I can not leave out Dave Brubeck.

I have so many classic favorites I don't know where to start. Grieg, McDowell, Clementi, Reibikov . . . Goodness not enough room.

I teach hoping my students can discover some of the joy I have found in Music and still find on a daily basis.

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