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Louise Jones

Vero Beach, FL 32960 (map)

Lessons Offered


Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

Virtual / Online

About Me

I was previously a 1st violinist with the Treasure Coast Symphony and currently am playing with the Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra. I have been a violin tutor at the Indian River Charter High School and taught students of the Gifford Youth Orchestra.  I teach adults in person or online and also teach children. I initially perform an assessment on each learner who's had previous experience to determine their current level of play.  And, all lessons are tailored specifically to each student. I also have taught young adults with developmental or physical disabilities. I use materials and exercises I've created as well as books by Suzuki, Essential Elements, Galamian, etc.

Lesson Rates

Rates are $20/hr.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Beginners, young and adult learners.  Skill levels from beginning to advanced intermediate.

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Louise Jones

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