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Studio Of Music

Livingston, NJ 07039 (map)

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About Me

I've learned music in two ways: first, from the street, and then from a university. I've discovered the pluses and minuses of each, taken the best from both and combined them in order to produce the best result for the student. Music is the soul food of the civilization. I've written more on the importance of music, and how it reduces stress and makes you feel better, on my website.  Music enhances your life, and there are many other benefits as well.  You can find more information at (contact me) or (contact me) -either one will take you to the website. Thanks.

My Musical Education Background

Bachelor of Music in Performance, DePaul University School of Music, Chicago.  Undergraduate studies, Berklee College of Music, Boston.  Additional postgraduate studies, DePaul University.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I like many different styles of music, and teach many students in the following styles: Rock, The Blues, Jazz, Country, R&B, Acoustic Guitar, Electric and Acoustic Slide Guitar,Heavy Metal, Classical Guitar, and Bluegrass. I like lots of music all the time! Other subjects include Music Theory, Ear Training, Sightsinging, Dictation. Advanced Harmony, Arranging, Music History, Musicology, Form and Analysis. Additional subjects we explore: Instrument History, Instrument Maintenance, Setups and Repair, Amplifier Analysis/Maintenance, Effects Pedal Technique, Pedalboard Design/Layout and Maintenance. Recording Studio Preparation/Performance, Group Rehearsal/Sectional Rehearsal Techniques for Large Ensembles. Other areas of study available by request.

Lesson Rates

There are different rates depending on the student's age; for more information call me anytime at (contact me)

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

My current student body ranges in age from 5 to 77. Musical expression is endless, and you are not limited and can learn to play the guitar no matter what your current age is. All levels, beginner, advanced, etc., are taught. You begin from right where you are-and that's a real fine way to start...

My Certifications and Awards

Bachelor of Music in Performance, DePaul University School of Music, Chicago. Additional undergraduate studies/Certificates, Berklee College of Music, Boston. Additional postgraduate studies, DePaul University. Various other Certifications and Awards from Billboard, ASCAP, NARAS, SPARS,AES, National Music Instrument Retailers' Association.  Member of the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, local 47 (Hollywood, Los Angeles).  I am also an adjunct Professor of Music, Gallatin Division, New York University.  Instructor of Continuing Education, Essex County Schools.  A more extensive list is available upon request. I really prefer to write music, play, and teach rather that talk about what I've done or what national tours I was on. Music, and art, is the essence of your creativity, and what matters is your love of music in general and the guitar in particular-and your desire to play and make people feel good. And yourself too!

My Musical Influences

My musical influences range from music written in the 2nd Century A.D. to last Wednesday.  I have studied and performed music from many different styles and periods, and I appreciate all the great musicians throughout history . I have played music both as a solo performer and a member of various rock and roll, jazz, acoustic, and blues bands, as well as performing with classical music groups/ensembles- on countless gigs throughout the U.S. and Canada. For more information please visit my website: (contact me) or (contact me) -either one will take you to my site. 

     Thanks very much.

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