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Meadow Street Studio

Brooklyn, NY 11206 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Composition, Drums, Guitar, Keyboard, Piano, Singing, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

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In Student Home

About Me

Music has always been a big part of my life and I really enjoy giving the gift of music to other people. Growing up I studied Classical Piano for many years with Dr. Donald Pirone at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College. At the same time I began developing my taste for Classical music my older brother began showing me the great classic rock bands of the 60's and 70's like The Who, The Beatles, Black Sabbath, and Led Zeppelin. One of the most poignant memories of my childhood was seeing The Who's Tommy on Broadway when I was 8 years old. I vividly remember watching the show and being completely immersed by the power of this music. I knew then and there I wanted to do something with music.

I attended New York University in the fall of 2004, majoring in Music Composition at the Steinhardt School of Education. I studied privately with Dr. Joseph Church, who was the Music Director for the Lion King on Broadway, as well as The Who's Tommy. During my first lesson at his apartment in Manhattan he told me to play one of my original songs for him on a guitar he had laying around. When I looked down at the guitar I saw it had been signed by none other than Pete Townshend (guitar player for The Who). He was a true mentor and helped me hone my skills as a songwriter, lyricist, vocalist, and teacher.

After graduating Cum Laude in 2008 I continued to build up my roster of students and began teaching at the School of Rock in Long Island. At the School of Rock I currently run a group activity called "Rock 101", where kids ranging from 6-14 all participate in playing songs together and learning new aspects of creating on their instruments. I currently work as a teacher/band coach at the iSchool of Music & Art.

I've been performing at venues in New York City since I was about 16 years old and currently play with my band Future Relative. Recently we've played at notable venues in NYC such as Mercury Lounge and Highline Ballroom. I also work as a producer, remixer and DJ, throwing monthly parties at Fontana's in the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

My Musical Education Background

I attended New York University in the fall of 2004, majoring in Music Composition at the Steinhardt School of Education. I studied privately with Dr. Joseph Church, who was the Music Director for the Lion King on Broadway, as well as The Who's Tommy. He was a true mentor and helped me hone my skills as a songwriter, lyricist and vocalist.

During my time at NYU I spent a year teaching group guitar lessons at the Edgies Teen Center in Lower Manhattan. In this low-income neighborhood it was really important to give my students an outlet to express themselves in a positive way by learning the importance of music.

Growing up I studied Classical Piano for many years with Dr. Donald Pirone at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College. It was during this time that I really discovered my love for music.

Genres and Subjects Taught


Classic and Modern Rock/Pop





Lesson Rates

At the studio:




Ages / Skill Levels Taught

All Ages/Levels

My Certifications and Awards

Bachelor's Degree in Music Composition from NYU Steinhardt School of Education (Cum Laude)

ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composer's Award

My Musical Influences

Wide range of influences, but here are some:

The Beatles, The Who, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, Debussy, Daft Punk, Ben Folds Five, Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Mute Math, Zero 7, Pendulum, Seal, Chopin, Underworld, Deadmau5, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Bach

Service Area

Student Reviews

Brooklyn, NY

Armand has been a patient and encouraging teacher. He is thorough and professional, and has a lot of knowledge to share.

Brooklyn, NY

Armand has been a patient and encouraging teacher. He is thorough and professional, and has a lot of knowledge to share.

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