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Total Control Music Systems

Brooklyn, NY 11206 (map)

Lessons Offered

Banjo, Bass, Composition, Guitar, Keyboard, Mandolin, Music Theory, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

All lessons are taught by Michael Wolfsohn, creator of the Total Control Music System (a unique, multi-disciplinary set of materials & methods that lead to maximum musical mastery in minimal time), and author & designer of dozens of instructional books published by Hal Leonard & Cherry Lane. Michael has been teaching music since 1979, and has taught at The Old Town School of Folk Music and Northwestern University (Norris Mini-Course program) before beginning his private teaching career in 1983. He is also a former manager of the guitar division of Hal Leonard Music (the leading publisher of printed music). We teach all levels, from complete beginners through professional musicians, in all styles of music. We normally accept students age 7 or older. (Children younger than 7 generally don't have the attention-span needed to study music -- but we gladly accept younger children who show themselves to be ready.) There is no maximum age limit! We also teach people with injuries and/or physical limitations that may make learning music more difficult for them, and we work with musicians (at any level of ability) who have playing-related injuries, such as hand pain, tendonitis, etc.

My Musical Education Background

1972 chicago musical college chicago, il classes private study with: voice: laura thomas, ed farran, douglas susu-mago guitar: joe rumoro, richard pick, carmine d’amico, alan demause, dave stryker pedal steel: tom furlong, gib wharton, john widgren, ray gantek bluegrass banjo: greg cahill, tony trischka piano: norman curtis, robert komaiko, theodore lettvinn, howard levy, joanne brackeen

Genres and Subjects Taught

The Art & Science of Music Instruction! Private lessons in Guitar (Electric & Acoustic), Piano/Keyboards, Voice (Training & Coaching), Electric Bass, Bluegrass Banjo, Mandolin, Pedal Steel, Ukulele, Songwriting, Music Theory, Recording/Music Technology with master teacher Michael P Wolfsohn, author of dozens of books published by Hal Leonard & Cherry Lane. The Total Control Music System (our unique materials & methods) will quickly lead you to musical mastery. All ages, all styles, all levels!

Lesson Rates

Instrumental Lessons (1 hour) Trial Lesson (1 - 1 1/2 hours) $50.00 Single Lessons (taken & paid for at the same time) $65.00 2-3 lessons per month (paid in advance, taken within 1 calendar month) $60 each weekly lessons (4-5 per month) (paid in advance, taken within 1 calendar month) $50 each Voice Lessons ( 1/2 hour) Single Lessons (taken & paid for at the same time) $45.00 2-3 lessons per month (paid in advance, taken within 1 calendar month) $40 each weekly lessons (4-5 per month) (paid in advance, taken within 1 calendar month) $35 each

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

All ages, all levels. Children younger than 7 need to be interviewed to determine if their attention span and development are sufficient for starting lessons.

My Certifications and Awards

Author & designer of dozens of instructional books published by Hal Leonard & Cherry Lane.

My Musical Influences

Too many to list, but, some are: Electric Guitar: Robben Ford, John McLaughlin, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck, Richard Thompson, Johnny Smith Acoustic Guitar: Tony Rice, Cody Kilbey, Martin Simpson, Richard Thompson, David Grier Mandolin: Sam Bush, David Grisman, Tim O'Brien, Chris Thile Banjo: Tony Trischka, Bela Fleck, Noam Pikelny, J.D. Crowe Electric Bass: Leland Sklar, Tony Levin, Victor Wooten, James Jamerson Pedal Steel: Buddy Emmons, Lloyd Green, Paul Franklin, Curly Chalker, Doug Jernigan Piano: Bruce Hornsby, Bill Evans, Sviatoslav Richter, Glenn Gould

Service Area

Student Reviews

New York, NY

This is my guitar teacher. He is of the highest quality in terms of instruction because he has a great teaching method and he teaches theory as well while imparting his enthusiasm and love of music at the same time. I highly recommend him. Please email me for references.

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