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Red Pelican Music

Los Angeles, CA 90024 (map)

Lessons Offered

Banjo, Bass, Cello, Clarinet, Double Bass, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Harp, Keyboard, Mandolin, Music Theory, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Singing, Ukulele, Viola, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

Virtual / Online

About Me

Red Pelican Music offers the finest private music lessons in Los Angeles. Our teachers are elite musicians, hand-picked for their enthusiasm and patience. We cater to discerning customers, who appreciate top quality and friendly service.

My Musical Education Background

Red Pelican Music instructors are elite rock, jazz and classical musicians chosen for their outstanding teaching ability, and friendly, patient style.

Our teachers hold music degrees from prestigious conservatories and universities including, Berklee College of Music, Musician’s Institute, USC, UCLA, and U.C. Berkeley.



Genres and Subjects Taught

We offer lessons on a wide variety of instruments - piano, guitar, bass, voice, drums, percussion, banjo, dobro, mandolin, pedal steel, ukulele, charango, saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, harp, violin, viola and cello. 
In addition, we offer theory, ear training, songwriting, film scoring, and music software lessons (Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Sibelius, Reason, Garageband, Ableton, Serato, Traktor, Scratch, Digital Performer, Finale and more). 
Our latest offering: electronic music production, DJ and MPC sampling instruction!

Lesson Rates

Please check our lesson rates on our website -

(contact me)

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

All Ages

All Skill Levels

Service Area

Student Reviews

Lakeland, FL

I took lessons from this teacher and I felt like an angel in heaven. It was truly fabulous and unforgettable. The kindness and encouragement pushed me through the pits and valleys as I reached new heights of musical reverie.

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Red Pelican Music

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Red Pelican Music

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