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Susan Shaw

Wooster, OH 44691 (map)

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In Teacher Studio

About Me

I offer private lessons in flute, baroque flute, and recorder and enjoy teaching students of ALL ages, levels and abilities. I love seeing my students gain confidence in their playing and musicality and learn how to express their unique musicality. Remember, it's not where you start, it's where you end up! Studio hours are flexible. Contact me for available times, current rates, and to arrange for your first lesson!

My Musical Education Background

I'm a professional flutist, teacher of flute, and chamber musician in greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio. I'm also co-founder and artistic director of Ensemble Belvedere, a Cleveland-based early music group.

I hold a Master of Music degree from Oberlin Conservatory of Music and a Bachelor of Arts degree in History (summa cum laude/Phi Beta Kappa) from SUNY/University at Buffalo.  I spent an additional three extraordinary years pursuing advanced music performance studies at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna, Austria. (And yes, I do speak German.)

As a freelance musician I've taught and performed in many different venues throughout the United States, Europe, and North Africa. Since 2010 I've invested more time in studying and performing on the one-keyed or baroque flute. I'm always thrilled to find opportunities to unite my background in history with my passion for baroque music — however I can also truthfully say that I enjoy ALL styles of music including folk and jazz.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I'm a classically-trained flutist and specialize in solo and chamber music for the flute. 

Lesson Rates

Please contact me for current rates.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I've been teaching and performing professionally for 20+ years. I enjoy teaching  ALL ages and levels, beginners as well as advanced students.  For me the most important thing is that you love music and are ready to learn. Whatever your musical goals, I am 100% dedicated to your success and confident that I can help you take your flute skills to the next level.

My Certifications and Awards

Master of Music degree, Oberlin Conservatory of Music

Flute Performance Studies, Vienna Academy of Music (non-degree)

Bachelor of Arts degree, SUNY/University at Buffalo

Masterclasses: Geoffrey Gilbert (concert flute), Robert Dick (concert flute), Barthold Kuijken (baroque flute), Wilbert Hazelzet (baroque flute)

Primary Teachers: Werner Tripp (Vienna Philharmonic); Gottfried Hechtl (Vienna Symphony); Petr Kotik (s.e.m. ensemble, SUNY at Buffalo); Michael Lynn (Apollo's Fire/Oberlin Conservatory; Kathie Stewart (Apollo's Fire/Oberlin Conservatory)


My Musical Influences

I grew up listening to Jean-Pierre Rampal and James Galway's recordings (playing them over and over and over...) and am sure they influenced how I sound and play.They both have a sweet and supple sound, controlled vibrato and beautiful, even technique. I aim for clear, beautiful tone color, free from breathiness, and greatly prefer nuance to brute volume. I ask my students to "risk" playing softly to create a musical spell that draws in the listener. 

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