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Mary C. Folkman

Laurel, MT 59044 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

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Student Reviews

Billings, MT

Mrs. Folkman is a wonderful Piano Teacher. She taught my two children Jacob and Seday when I lived in Billings, MT. I miss her! She is able to look at each child and see them as an individual with different learning abilities. She comes prepared and prepped for any given need that the child has for the lesson. I was very impressed with her knowledge and enthusiasm to teach and help my kids grow as musicians. She brings in articles, ideas, and new formats as they come from her field, and she loves to play with the kids and cultivate their excitement for making music. She is an accompanist as well, and she has accompanied my husband and I in performance. She is open and willing to learn, grow, and be the best she can be for her students and her musician friends. I highly recommend Mary as a teacher.

Laurel, MT

I currently have two children taking piano lessons from Mrs. Folkman. We started this past summer (2011) and at their request, continued when school started. My children enjoy being challenged each week and I am very pleased with their progress. Mrs. Folkman is very patient and professional. They recently had their first pubic performance at a local hospital and are looking forward to playing their Christmas pieces and recitals in the upcoming months. My children have have known Mrs. Folkman for some time as she has been in their schools teaching music and also plays piano at our church. If you are looking for an accomplished and professional teacher with patience and kindness, I highly recommend Mrs. Folkman.

Laurel, MT

To Whom it May Concern: It is with pleasure that I recommend Mary Folkman as a music teacher. As a parent of two piano students enrolled in her Lyrical Lines Piano Studio, I have known Mrs. Folkman since August 2007. Mrs. Folkman is an enthusiastic and dedicated teacher. She is an accomplished musician, and shares her love of piano and performance with her students. Mrs. Folkman is patient with her students, yet commands their respect. She shows versatility by tailoring their piano books and pieces to their individual strengths, weaknesses, and interests. She gently suggests corrections in technique, and works though challenging measures until the student reaches the highest goal they can achieve with the piece. Mrs. Folkman is an active member of the musical community, and a member of the NCTM as well as the Billings Music Teachers Association. My two sons have had the opportunity to share their talent with shoppers in Christmas concerts at the local mall, and with patients and staff in holiday concerts at the local hospitals. Mrs. Folkman has encouraged my sons to play in the Sonatina Festival and other adjudicated events. She has taught them to perform with poise and focus. She inspires her students by continuing to perform herself, as she did during her studio’s Spring recital, and various local events. It is for these reasons that I recommend Mary Folkman as a music teacher. If you have any questions, feel free to telephone me at (406)628-6368. Sincerely, Tammy Hill

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