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Mason Senft

Greenvale, NY 11548 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

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About Me

Mason G. Senft is a classically trained pianist who has appeared worldwide on many concert stages, from Carnegie Hall to the White House, in his capacity as accompanist to many illustrious artists such as Frederica von Stade, international mezzo soprano. After teaching at Adelphi University for 9 years, he opened his studio first in Roslyn and then in Greenvale, N.Y. His piano students include people from all walks of life from doctors and attorneys to youngsters in elementary education. His biography has been listed in "Who's Who in America" for the past 30 years. Additionally, his recording studio is sought after by vocal and instrumental professionals alike.

My Musical Education Background

B.A. Adelphi University, 1964

Genres and Subjects Taught

Classical, Pop, Other

Service Area

Student Reviews

Great Neck, NY

Mason is a very nice teacher. He doesn’t only want us to be performers, he teach how to be a musician. I have been a student of him for over a year now, I think spending time with him discussing and practicing music is very lucky for me.

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