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Isabela Smudde Tom

Los Angeles, CA 90031 (map)

Lessons Offered

Viola, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

Virtual / Online

About Me

My name is Isabela Smudde Tom. I love music, teaching, and helping people grow, discover, and actualize their creative potential! I offer 30 & 60 min. private violin or viola lessons, or additional coaching for students who already have a private teacher and want extra hands-on help. I create a fun, supportive, and accepting environment to help you or your child feel comfortable and confident in your potential. I tailor my teaching to fit your individual personality, needs, interests, and temperment so that you are fully engaged and inspired to keep progressing on your musical journey.
Sound like a good fit? Then come learn violin or viola with me!
Schedule a free 20-minute trial lesson today!

My Musical Education Background

I have had 13 years of classical music training from the prestigious Colburn School of Performing Arts, the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts, and The College of Wooster where I received a music scholarship. My private teachers include Mick Wetzel and Ingrid Huttman of the LA Philharmonic Orchestra. Music resume available upon request.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach mainly classical music, using the Suzuki method. Once I have helped you or your child establish a strong foundational knowledge of your instrument, I am happy to help you explore other genres of music and incorporate them into your repotoir.

Lesson Rates

$30 per 30-minute lesson $45 per 60-minute lesson (or 6 lessons for $250)

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach all ages & levels of experience. Beginners welcome!

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Isabela Smudde Tom

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