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Clara Woolley Music Studio

Plymouth, IN 46563 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Violin

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

I have taught music most of my life.  I earned the comprehensive license for public school music teaching.  That means that I was liscensed to teach band, orchestra, vocal K-12 in public schools.  I did that for nine years, then my daughter was born, so I left the public schools, started private teaching, part-time music in a private high school, moved into the Junior College and continue there.  I am also a regular violinist in the South Bend, IN, Symphony, and have a church pipe organ position. 

My Musical Education Background

B.S. Music Education, Manchester College/ University, M.S. Music Education, Indiana State University, Piano and violin study with both.

Valparaiso University Pipe Organ Study

Indiana University South Bend, IN, Additional Violin Study

Genres and Subjects Taught

Within the music area, I do teach music theory, piano, organ, and violin mostly in the traditional classical styles.  

Lesson Rates

My feel is $15.00 for the normal 30-minute lesson.  Students are here a full hour for an addditional 30 minutes for computer music theory.  The $15.00 fee incudes the full hour.  

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

My studio explores music to fit age 5 through retirement.  Usually some technical material, a book of progressive skill building, and  fun music of the student choice. This could be Hymns, Popular, Disney, Classics, and additional choice possibilities.    Advancement includes to the level of 2nd year college such as Classical Sonatas and equal.

My Certifications and Awards

I continue memberships in the National Guild of Piano Teachers, Faculty Status, Music Teachers National Association, and the Indiana Music Teachers Association.  American Federation of Musicians Local 232-278 is my Musicians Union membership.  I have participated as a violinist in an accompanying orchestra for a Classical Music Seminar in Eisenstadt, Austria a total of 10 years.  

My Musical Influences

One cannot always know how another individual is influenced.  My performance demonstrating in lessons, church playing, performance with the Symphony are all likely possibilities.

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