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Irene Macias

Huntington Park, CA 90255 (map)

Lessons Offered

Guitar, Keyboard, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

About Me

I first learned piano at the age of seven. I furthered my education at Cerritos College, I received grade A for piano and guitar. I have music books intermediate and beginning fundamental books. I have much patience teaching students at all age group. I could teach to the age of five years old and older group. My patience is very good with each student. If you have any questions please contact me for more information.

My Musical Education Background

I have studied piano class and guitar class at Cerritos College. My grade was A for piano and guitar.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I have taught beginning class for students at the age of five years old. I have taught guitar to the age of seven and up

Lesson Rates

My rate for one hour would be 25 dollars for piano and guitar. If you would like a two hour class I would charge 40 dollars.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I have had students to the age of four years old. I have much patience with that age group. I clap my hands when they do a good job. I love to see a child smile.

My Certifications and Awards

I received grade a for guitar and Piano.

My Musical Influences

My influences in piano would be Bach Mozart Beethoven and many classical musician.

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