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Jennifer Hickle

Rogers, MN 55374 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Cello, Clarinet, Composition, Drums, Fiddle, Flute, French Horn, Guitar, Keyboard, Mandolin, Music Theory, Oboe, Percussion, Piano, Saxophone, Singing, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Violin, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

Signature School of Music is a network of dedicated teachers in the north Twin Cities area. Each teacher is a gifted musician who, after spending years studying music, now desires to give this gift of music back to their students and community. Our teachers are passionate, full of life, and love working with children! Our students are taught theory, ear training, sightreading, and offered performance opportunities. Instructors teaching private lessons have a college degree in music and are equipped to teach beginners through advanced students in high school, as well as adults at any level.

My Musical Education Background

1. University Trained Instructors
Our instructors are highly qualified, holding degrees in music and many have extensive performance experience.
All instructors have previous teaching experience before joining our Signature team.

2. Focus on Teaching
All we do is teach. This leaves us free to specialize in one thing - providing the highest quality instruction in a professional environment.

3. All Ages, Beginner to Advanced
From preschool through adult, students have the ability to grow within our program. More serious students take lessons with us than anywhere else. Our teachers are highly qualified to teach students through high school and beyond. We offer tutoring to college level music majors, to prepare for auditions or pass theory exams.

4. Regular Recitals
Traditional Music recitals and our low pressure Showcase is held twice a year. These provide students with performance experience and build confidence.

5. Fun, Engaging Personalities
Our teachers are fun, personable, love teaching, and love people! Our teaching environment is unlike any other!

6. Personalized Lessons
Most importantly, our instructors strive to relate their teaching to each individual student's learning style. Learn the music YOU want to learn while not compromising any of the foundational elements of music through theory and technique.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Our students are taught theory, ear training, sightreading, and offered performance opportunities. Instructors teaching private lessons have a college degree in music and are equipped to teach beginners through advanced students in high school, as well as adults at any level. We offer instruction in classical music, as well as playing by ear (improv, jazz, and chord charts).
We offer you the best music education in the North Twin Cities by caring about each student and teacher individually. We tailor music education to each student's personal needs. After carefully selecting talented musicians and teachers, we care enough about our teachers to correctly match them with students and a schedule that will not burn them out-- so you can be assured of minimal teacher turnaround and a student-teacher relationship that will forever be remembered and cherished.

Lesson Rates

Lessons are $27.80 per lesson. Tuition is $95 per month.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

We will begin piano students at age 4. Guitarists may start at age 8. We teach children through any aged adults.
We are qualified to prepare a student for a degree in music, yet enjoy teaching recreational students at any level.
We use the Faber Piano Adventures series as well as the Frederick Harris Celebration Series.
Our teachers are so talented and diverse in their strengths that you are sure to find one to meet your needs and to challenge you along your musical journey

My Certifications and Awards

Voted 2012 National Music Studio of the Year!

All our teachers have a B.S. in music. All are currently writing, arranging, performing, or continuting their musical education.

Our teachers have performed, recorded, and toured with top 10 chart musicians, have been invited as guest speakers at various events, and continue to sharpen their musical skills in various venues.

Members of MMTA and MNTA

My Musical Influences

All lovers of music are influenced by various artists, teachers, and peers. We are seriously passionate about our love of music--in every genre and style.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Rogers, MN

Both my children take piano lessons at Signature. We have been very impressed with their progress. The teachers are fabulous. They offer a great mix of genres. The kids love playing songs they recognize. My kids sit down and play the piano, even when they're not practicing. That shows me they are confident in what they are learning. I highly recommend Signature Music Studios.

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Jennifer Hickle

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Jennifer Hickle

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