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Bajon Piano Studio

Grayslake, IL, IL 60030 (map)

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Piano, Music

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About Me

MARGARET BAJON has been teaching piano for twenty-four years. Educated in French Style Classical Music Piano, Ms. Bajon’s approach to teaching has a unique and hard-to-find quality aimed at authentic, classical piano studies. Each student goes through a systematic and individually crafted program to suit his or her own original talent and school schedule.

The goal Ms. Bajon has adopted for her students is to learn all the intricate nuances that are associated with proper piano technique. Children who are taught in an authentic pianistic way have greater chance to succeed in playing piano. However, it is not the only factor parents should be looking for while researching available piano instructions for their children. There is a strong correlation between the benefits of music on a child’s intellectual development and the quality of the program itself.


While it is possible to learn how to play the piano just by pressing the right keys (similar to the way we press keys on a computer keyboard), you may also consider a more serious and, therefore, more beneficial approach. While incorporating the quality way of learning how to play, your child is constantly adjusting and making important decisions, which influence the outcome of the performance. These decisions are related to tempo, position of the notes, fingering, rhythm, articulation, phrasing, dynamics and tone, structure of the composition, style, and feeling. If all of these aspects in the piano course are present, the brain goes through the most rigorous training to become extremely good at focusing, organizing and executing numerous activities at once and consequently enhancing its function and overall intelligence.


At the Bajon Piano Studio, Ms Bajon devotes her entire attention to one child - working and interacting with a student for the entire duration of a lesson. The emphasis is on developing the highest degree of concentration, so that each individual student gets the most benefits from studying music.


The program offers one 30-minute lesson per week, although 60-minute instructions are available to children who are eight and older.


Studying music has a direct effect on enhancing brain functions. There is a vast amount of research done on the subject, and all findings point to the crucial role music plays in intellectual development of children.


• Improve skills of concentration and brain’s ability to process
spoken words
• Strengthen creative thinking, math and reading
• Build discipline in performing tasks
• Develop a strong sense of achievement
• Learn the skills of positive criticism in a well-mannered fashion
• Become well-rounded, highly intelligent and culturally refined


Scientists have explained the processes taking place while studying music. Below, you will find examples of what your child will learn:
• Rules of pattern formation
• Recognizing patterns of sounds within a specific timeframe
• Translating codes into fine motor skills
• Understanding ratios and fractions
• Ability to improvise within a set of musical rules
• Always looking ahead at musical text while performing
• Training his or her brain to memorize long passages of music

Genres and Subjects Taught

The Bajon Piano Studio is decorated with original artworks and set in a traditional, classical ambience. Students play on a top–of–the-line Steinway Grand Piano and have access to maps, music books, a CD library, music sheets, and other supporting materials required to create a superior learning experience.


The level of the program is adjusted to each student’s personal ambitions, talents and ability to practice. Those who have limited time for practicing go through the program at a slower pace, so that the quality is not compromised.
Ms. Bajon’s piano curriculum is based on classical music; however, her program includes popular and seasonal songs as well. Ms. Bajon introduces the basic knowledge of styles in music, architecture and visual arts. Gradually, as students make progress in playing the piano, they learn about styles in arts and various music periods.


Once a year, children participate in a Master Class in which they play for each other and learn to express their opinions by using musical terminology and positive criticism. The Master Class takes place about one week before the annual Grand Recital, which is performed on stage in a separate venue. Children play individual pieces as well as four-hand duets. An Award Ceremony follows the recital, and each child receives a diploma certifying the achievements.


Over the summer, older students are able to participate in field trips to Art Museums to learn how to critically assess oil paintings. Trips to the Ravinia Music Festival are also offered in the summer months to provide an opportunity to appreciate classical music.

Lesson Rates

$30.00 per 30 minutes lessons
$60.00 per 60 minutes lessons

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

The curriculum is divided into three age groups:
• Early Childhood (ages three to six)
• Young Beginner (ages seven to nine)
• Older Beginner (ages ten and up)

The Bajon Piano Studio also accepts students who are more advanced and who have had prior experience in learning how to play piano.


For the youngest students, ages three to six, one adult is required to be present during the lesson. Children have to practice at home for 10 – 15 minutes per day, five days a week with adult supervision.

Young Beginners, ages seven through nine, are encouraged to be accompanied by an adult during the lesson, although it is not a requirement. They should practice at home at least 20 minutes per day, five days a week.

Older Beginners, ages ten and up, do not have to have a parent present during the lessons. They are supposed to practice at least 30 minutes per day, five days a week

The Bajon Piano Studio offers after-school support. Children or parents
who have questions regarding homework are encouraged to call Ms. Bajon for clarification. Ms. Bajon is committed to respond the same day based upon her after class time availability.

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