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Rachel Menconi (The Menconi Performance Studio The Arts Education Division Of Sunshine Face Productions)

Montvale, NJ 07645 (map)

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About Me

Rachel Menconi loves her job & feels fortunate that she is able to share her passion of the arts through mentoring, teaching, directing, writing, & performing! With 20+ yrs as an artist & 20+yrs of professional training, Rachel has been able to share her voice, acting, & expertise with clients for over a decade. She's been teaching (voice/acting) & mentoring children-teens-adults for 14+yrs. Whether working in a private lesson or in a group class (small by design), she is able to focus on each student's individual needs and develop their skills (singing, acting, and performance) at a comfortable pace. She challenges each person without intimidation. Rachel understands that each student learns differently and tries to find the best way to break down each part of the technique for each student. Rachel's goal is to give all her artists the tools they need to not only become the best at their chosen craft, but to eventually become self-sufficient performers. Rachel's album, “Just Meant To Be”, is on itunes and her original singles, “Don’t Even Try” & “You Will Love On” are on Youtube. She has worked/performed with Grammy, Tony, & Emmy Award Winners/Nominees.

My Musical Education Background

RACHEL'S STUDENTS HAVE gone on national tours, released albums, are in bands, have been accepted into performing arts programs (schools and colleges), cast in regional/NYC theatre (Off-Off-Broadway/Off-Broadway), movies (Noah, The Wolf Of Wall Street, Top Five), music videos, commercials (JC Penny, Sleepy's, Miller Lite, Beats By Dre, Optimum Business), and on TV (Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris, Orange Is The New Black, The Mysteries Of Laura, Royal Pains, Smash, 30 Rock, The Good Wife, Law and Order: SVU, Golden Boy, & NBC's The Voice competition). Even though they come from all walks of life/backgrounds, are different ages/levels, and all learn differently, Rachel's students all have one thing in common: to be the best at their chosen craft (singing, acting, performing). Rachel teaches all genres/styles of music and never makes a student sing a song they do not like to sing. There are times she will suggest a song so the student can learn a skill from that part of the song and not necessarily suggest a song with the intention of the student perform it. The more genres a singer is exposed to, the better the voice becomes and the easier their chosen genre(s) become as well. LEARNING HOW TO SING IS A PROCESS THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT! But if students work hard and are truly ready to take on mastering their craft and take the proper time for them, they will go far.

Genres and Subjects Taught

WHAT CAN RACHEL DO FOR YOU? (BENEFITS OF STUDYING WITH RACHEL) BY THE TIME RACHEL'S STUDENTS GRADUATE FROM LESSONS THEY: 1. Gain a lifelong, solid, consistent, and healthy technique that they can always count on in practice and performance. 2. Gain specific technical and personal notes in a notebook and/or computer file that is organized and always accessible for review. 3. Gain artistry, performance skills, personal style (voice and looks), and a strong voice that will sound authentic; Singers will sound appropriate to whatever style of music they are singing. (No fake sound or look.) Actors will just be in the moment and truthful whether they are on stage or in front of the camera. 4. Gain the confidence to always put on a great performance. 5. Gain focus and a more productive mind frame and learn how to "brand" (music business term) or "type" (acting business term) themselves. 6. Become self-sufficient by knowing how to assess a problem and then fix it without creating a new issue.

Lesson Rates

Weekly Private Lessons, Group Performance Classes, and PSP: Professional Student Program (Weekly Private Lessons & Group Performance Classes) available! CONTACT ABOUT CURRENT RATES.*All lessons and classes are taught at The Menconi Performance Studio (Private Home Studio) in Montvale NJ or Online.* *On set/location lessons/classes also available. (recording studio, set, theater, rehearsal studio, etc.)* ALL OF RACHEL'S SERVICES: Singing technique private lessons/group classes, acting technique private lessons/group classes, performance/technique group classes, artist development (on-location lessons, interview prep, artistry, stage presence, copyrighting assistance, writing: bio, resume, business cards, press releases, networking, show booking assistance...etc), songwriting assistance, music video making (directing, writing, filming, editing), performance reels (directing, writing, filming, editing), full length live performances, interviews, EPKs, and live audio recordings. All filming is done in full HD and the audio is professional grade.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

PRIVATE LESSONS: age 8 through adults of all ages. GROUP LESSONS: 6 through adults of all ages. ALL GENRES, ALL MEDIUMS, ALL VOCAL TYPES, AND ALL LEARNING STYLES.

My Certifications and Awards

MEMBERSHIPS: SAG-AFTRA, VASTA, NARAS (The Grammy Awards), NJMEA, NAfME, NYSSMA, NATS (certified), MAC, BMI, & NJ Theatre Alliance. CREDENTIALS: 20+ years of intense Bel Canto vocal training with a master teacher, 12+ years of musical theatre training, 10+ years acting training (Stella Adler, Stanislavsky, Meisner, Chekhov) 16+ years of song writing experience, 10+ years of recording studio experience, has starred in 40+ musicals/20+ Off-Broadway Cabarets,has been seen on TV, in movies, music videos, and is the President/Founder of both Sunshine Face Productions and Sunshine Face music publishing.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Montvale, NJ

I'm an actor who needed to learn a bit about singing to help with my acting career. I never thought of myself as a singer until I became a student of Rachel's. When I first began in a few short months, I instantly started gaining a voice that I didn't even know was there in me! Now that I've been going to Rachel for over 5 years, my voice is unrecognizable (in a good way). My vocal range that I've been able to achieve is amazing and much more than I would have even dreamed I could do! I am much more comfortable calling myself a singer because of her. Rachel is also an accomplished acting teacher and has been teaching me how to to act during these 6+ years. She has given me an acting technique that I've been able to use in auditions and on set, Since starting my training with Rachel, I've been cast in many films, TV shows, music videos, and commercials! Rachel is an amazing teacher! She is very professional and personable during my private lessons and group classes. She really cares about my progress, me as a person, and all of her students. She really wants everyone to reach success and it really shows. She instills knowledge and confidence to my peers and myself. I love that she brings out the best in me and I'm so grateful I found her. I highly recommend Rachel Menconi (The Menconi Performance Studio; The Arts Education Division of Sunshine Face Productions) to anyone who is serious about their craft and want's to become a better performer, actor, and master their voice.

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Rachel Menconi (The Menconi Performance Studio The Arts Education Division Of Sunshine Face Productions)

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Rachel Menconi (The Menconi Performance Studio The Arts Education Division Of Sunshine Face Productions)

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