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Dmitri Korneev

Manalapan, NJ 07726 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

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About Me

A graduate of the Russian Academy of Music by Gnessin's, Mr. Korneev is an experienced educator and accompanist. He is currently serving as a Coordinator of Piano Accompaniment at Jonh J. Cali School of Music at Montclair State University. In past he worked as a principal accompanist in San Antonio Lyric Opera and at University of Texas at San Antonio.As a solo pianist Dmitri gave recitals throughout Russia, Greece, Italy, France and United States. He performed in such prestigious concert halls as Carnegie Hall and United Nations Concert Hall in New York, participated in master classes held by Claude Frank and Arkady Aronov, and took part in La Belle Epoque Festival in New York.In 1998 he became a laureate of the International Piano Competition IBLA Grand Prize in Italy. He received scholarships at Mannes College of Music and Russian Academy of Music by Gnessins. Mr. Korneev's performing and teaching styles take roots from such famous Russian professors as Prof. Alexandrov at the Russian Academy of Music and Prof. Slesarev at Moscow State Conservatory.At the present Mr. Korneev is an active educator and a member of Music Teachers National Association.

Genres and Subjects Taught

"You Need Music"
Educational &Performing Enterprise
offers for Children and their Music Teachers
participation in:

"Musical Odyssey" student's certification programs

Community Charity Concerts

Festivals and Family Recitals

Music Theory Testing

"Olympic Challenge" Competition
with final performance at
Carnegie Hall in New York

Network with professional musicians from New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania

Main goals of this organization :
to help music teachers to organize
and to structure the process of music
education (at no cost for teachers!)
to provide students with opportunities
to perform in various settings
to issue official paperwork as a reward
for hard work and academic achievement

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