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Yvonne Marcoux

Kilmarnock, VA 22482 (map)

Lessons Offered

Music Theory, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

I love music with a passion. I especially love playing the piano and even more so teaching my students how to play piano. I like to teach students of any age or skill level how to read music so they can then someday pick up any piece of music and play it themselves. 

I enjoy playing a variety of music. I have learned genres such as classical, jazz, classic rock, contemporary, R&B and pop. I can teach all these genres and I approach lessons with collaboration. What do my students hope to learn someday? Let's make those songs a goal we can achieve together.

My Musical Education Background

My private instruction began in 1989 with a Music Teachers National Association member who retired in 1993. Then I continued with another Music Teachers National Assocation member until 1998.

I began my studies at University of Maryland College Park, taking music theory and music education. I was teaching students starting in 2002 and I have since then continued teaching piano.

Genres and Subjects Taught

Piano lessons include learning how to read music and play songs on the piano.

Music theory is incorporated to understand the background of notes and musical notation, such as sharps, flats, eighth notes, octaves and the names of all the piano keys.

Technique is taught as a warm-up for your fingers, such as 5-finger scales, major and minor key scales, and chromatic scales.

Lesson Rates

30 minute lesson = $30

45 minute lesson = $40

60 minute lesson = $45


Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach any age between 4 years old and 88 years old.

I can teach beginners, intermediate and advanced. 

I teach at the student's pace at any level of learning. I recognize their achievements and help them to build upward from the first foundation of musical concepts they can understand.

My Certifications and Awards

I won 1st place in a competitive piano recital in 1993.

I won 2nd and 3rd place in two other piano competitions in 1994 and 1995. 

I received 100% on all of my Music Theory exams between 1990 and 1996.

I won 1st place in an original songwriting competition in 2003 and was awarded studio recording time.

I received 2nd place in the following year's original songwriting competition.

My Musical Influences

I really enjoy playing Piano Man by Billy Joel and Foolish Games by Jewel. Mariah Carey, Elton John and Bryan Adams' "Everything I Do" have all contributed to my musical influences in original songwriting too.

I am also influenced by Alicia Keys, with her smooth sounds. I enjoy learning new songs on the radio, like Adele and Rihanna. Other influences from contemporary artists are Ed Sheeran and Sam Smith.

I love listening to the Canon in D, with a multitude of variations, by Pachelbel. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Chopin and Debussy are amazing composers with individual styles I admire.

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