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Tom Bevan

Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (map)

Lessons Offered

Bass, Guitar, Piano

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

I'm a professional musician/teacher who works and performs throughout Orange County and Los Angeles plus has travelled all over the U.S. and internationally. I offer electric and acoustic guitar, and piano lessons. I teach reading music, chords, tab and by ear learning songs, soloing and much more. You'll be up and learning quickly on your instrument with quality results, making it fun and fulfilling.

My Musical Education Background

Started playing guitar at age 8, studied music throughout high school. I have a Bachelors degree in music from Cal State Long Beach. Also, I have taught at several schools, currently at Polytech High School Long Beach.

Genres and Subjects Taught

I teach basic beginning guitar, bass and piano and work out an easy plan tailored for each student. Next, I teach intermediate to advanced classic rock (old and new) guitar. Also strong studies in jazz, blues, reading music, following chord charts and writing music.

Lesson Rates

I travel to the students' homes mainly and some local students study at my lesson studio. Lesson prices vary depending on lesson length and location. I charge four (4) lessons in advance with an average price of between $30 and $40 per lesson. Special rates can be worked out for 2 or more students at a time.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

I teach all ages, beginning to advanced.

My Certifications and Awards

Bachelor of Music degree from Cal State Long Beach, master studies Cal State Long Beach. Toured and recorded two albums with Maynard Fergeson jazz group, plus recorded on a variety of recordings and television shows such as "Cheers" and "The Nanny." Awarded Best Jazz Guitarist in Orange County by Yamaha Music Corp.

My Musical Influences

All music, classical to rock, has an influence on me. I grew up with the Beatles, Beach Boys and all of the 60's and 70's music. Strongly influenced by jazz, blues, and Jimi Hendrix.

Service Area

Student Reviews

Newport Beach, CA

I've been taking lessons from Tom Bevan regularly for more than 8 years. He's improved my playing tremendously while also helping me to understand the theory behind much of the music I love.

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Tom Bevan

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