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Tommie McNair

Gainesville, FL 32606 (map)

Lessons Offered

Piano, Music

Where are Lessons Offered

In Teacher Studio

In Student Home

About Me

My teaching experience spans over forty years and includes private and group lessons in piano, theory, sightsinging, clarinet and tutoring college undergraduates in theory. I enjoy serving as an adjudicator for the American College of Musicians, NGPT. In past years I served the local GMTA as President for two terms and was editor of the newsletter. During Student Day I have worked as an ear-training examiner as well as a performance judge. My studio is now reopened following a temporary retirement and I am eager to resume the work I love most, teaching those eager to learn music at the piano and watching them bloom into wonderful musicians.

My Musical Education Background

University of Florida
Bachelor of Music with High Honors,
Music History & Literature
Music Education

Graduate work: Piano Pedagogy
History & Literature

Genres and Subjects Taught

Piano and theory lessons for beginner through advanced levels are based on classical and includes contemporary; materials selected to meet the individual student's needs to build confidence and success in learning the instrument and enjoying it. Ear-training is an important part of the training. Music history is also a part of the program. My main goal is to help each student find the musician within.

Lesson Rates

Lessons are payable by the month, in advance of the first lesson of each month. Monthly rates are based on an average of 4 lessons monthly. This pays for a specific time reserved for the student as well as the instruction and coaching guidance given.

Ages / Skill Levels Taught

Five and older. Adults are encouraged and welcome.

My Certifications and Awards

Phi Kappa Phi honor society

My Musical Influences

My father was the first influence. He taught me basic rudiments of music and singing from about age four.

My band director Otto Kraushaer and piano teacher Mrs. Burris during middle and high school.

My piano professors - Willard Brask and Dr. Holly Hughes (University of Florida).

Service Area

Student Reviews

Hazariwala, FL

Mrs.McNair was my first piano teacher, who taught me the basics of music theory when I was younger. I would always look forward to each class, because through her passion for music, I too, acquired a love for piano. I took classes for about six years, but play the piano now for fun. I remember she stressed the importance of collaboration; one time, she invited all of her students to watch the Sound of Music at her home where she teaches. Also, recitals were the highlights of the year because all of us could display what we had worked on tirelessly. Thus, she provided me with the foundation of music, that I also became curious to learn singing and dancing as well. Thank you, Mrs.McNair!

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