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Piano Lessons in Independence Florence, KY

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Independence Florence Piano Teachers Available for Lessons

Lana Smith

Lana Smith

Independence - Florence, KY - Piano Lessons

Music is a language – and like any language, there are many basics which must be mastered prior to advancing to more complex applications. During a course of study, I attempt to cover different areas of musicianship: performance, theory, technique, harmony, ear-training, sight-reading, and a comprehensive study of musical literature in a progressive fashion. I truly feel that a well-rounded musical education helps students define for themselve...

Zachary Granger

Zachary Granger

Covington, KY - Piano Lessons

Zachary Granger was born in Columbus, Ohio, and began playing the trombone in the ninth grade as part of his public school jazz program. After taking trombone lessons with local guitarist and former...

Elizabeth Niemeyer

Elizabeth Niemeyer

Cincinnati, OH - Piano Lessons

Jennifer Hoelscher

Jennifer Hoelscher

Cincinnati, OH - Piano Lessons

I love to listen to music and create music at the piano, on my flute, or with singing. I have a wonderful husband as well as a young baby and two beautiful dogs that keep me on my toes! When I'm not playing or teaching music, I love to organize, cook, read a book, or watch a good movie....

Christy Arquines

Christy Arquines

Florence, KY - Piano Lessons

Ruthanne Miller Piano Studio

Ruthanne Miller Piano Studio

Walton, KY - Piano Lessons

I love my piano teaching. I always have. I have taught for over 40 years. All ages, all levels!My mother taught piano until she passed and she was 85 years old!My forte is working with high school age piano students to:A) prepare them for their college auditions and/orB) train them to be piano teachers so they can earn extra money and learn a valuable skill no matter what they choose to study in college

Rachel Kramer

Rachel Kramer

Cincinnati, OH - Piano Lessons

Cheryl Staats

Cheryl Staats

Cincinnati, OH - Piano Lessons

Clinton Pratt

Clinton Pratt

Alexandria, KY - Piano Lessons

Jessica Madsen

Jessica Madsen

Cincinnati, OH - Piano Lessons

Dr. Jessica Madsen is Coordinator of the Piano Department at Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana, and owns and operates the Rookwood Piano Studio in Cincinnati. She is an active soloist and chamber musician with a specialty in new music. Madsen has performed as soloist with orchestras in Illinois, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Indiana, and completed a concert tour of Japan in 1995. She has played chamber music in New York, Budapest, Hungary...

Independence Florence Piano Lessons with LessonRating

Learning piano from a quality teacher in Independence Florence is easy through Lessonrating.com. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or experienced piano player in Independence Florence, you can sort through our instructors' profiles to find one meeting your individual needs.

Teacher profiles on Lessonrating.com include photographs, background details, hours of availability, a place for the instructors to open up about themselves, and, ratings provided by past and present students. This information provides prospective piano students like you with the insights you need to find a suitable Independence Florence area instructor. Finding a piano instructor through Lessonrating.com beats more traditional methods such as scouring the Independence Florence classifieds, and puts you in touch with your teacher of choice in no time.

Sign-up with Lessonrating.com today and start searching for the Independence Florence, Kentucky piano instructor who's right for you. It's fast, simple, and sure to get you playing piano in no time.

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