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Piano Scales

Make Practicing Piano Scales Fun

Hello and welcome to LessonRating.com. Here is another video, this is just kind of a cool scale exercise I like to do and really its purpose is to help you to understand your scales and know how to weave in and out of them instead of just doing the regular practicing up and down of the same scale. One thing to challenge yourself with is to try to go up but change scales within each octave. Do an octave of the C major scale and once you f...view full lesson

The C Blues Scale

Learning The Blues Scale on the Piano

This video shows the basics of playing the C blues scale.  The C blues scale consists of the following notes:

C - Eb - F - Gb - G - Bb - C

As we've explained in our video on major and minor triads, a good way to learn your blues scales to understand not only the individual notes of the sc...view full lesson

Build any Minor Scale

Building A Minor Scale

In this video we're going to discuss how to build a minor scale, and of course the minor sound is the sadder-sounding scale as compared to a major, which is more of a happy sound. But the construction of the scale is very simple, and it's going to be similar to how we explained it in constructing a major scale, with the use of whole steps and half-steps. So, a whole step is when you skip a note,...view full lesson

Build any Major Scale

Building A Major Scale

Just like with building triads, building a major scale is about understanding the intervals between each note of the scale.  If you understand this, you can build any major scale.

All major scales follow this pattern:

(W = Whole Step, H = Half Step)

W - W - H - W - W - W - H

So let's look at the notes of a C major scale.  They are shown below with the interval b...view full lesson

The Whole Tone Scale

Best Uses of the Whole Tone Scale

In this lesson we're going to talk about the whole tone scale, and this scale you've probably heard in different cartoons or movies when the person goes into a dream sequence, and it sounds like this. And what that sound is, is the whole tone scale. There's only two basic structures of it on the piano, but they follow an easy formula. Easier than major. Easier than minor. Easier t...view full lesson

The Spanish Jewish Scale

Best Uses of the Spanish / Jewish Scale

In this video, we're going to discuss how to build what's called a Spanish scale or Jewish scale. You've probably heard them. They sound like this. I think of like the snake charmer type sound, if that helps you remember it. But, the way we are going to construct it is the same way we do with all the other scales, thinking in terms of intervals. In this scale, the three in...view full lesson

The Major Pentatonic Scale

Best Uses of the Major Pentatonic Scale

In this video we're going to discuss how to form major pentatonic scales, and they're very popular in all kinds of music, and we're going to discuss, to start, the C major pentatonic scale, which is going to sound like this. The reason they're called pentatonic scales is because they consist of five unique notes, and then C is the octave. And just like we explained all the other...view full lesson

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