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Drums Lessons in East Freetown, MA

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East Freetown Drums Teachers Available for Lessons

George's Music Instruction

George's Music Instruction

East Bridgewater, MA - Drums Lessons

My name is George Pedro and I teach guitar, ukulele, drum and beginning piano lessons throughout the Plymouth County Massachusetts area. Lessons are taught in the convenience of your home. A graduate of Berklee College of Music with a Bachelor's Degree in Professional Music, I have been teaching music lessons to kids and adults for over twenty years. Guitar and ukulele lessons are now also available through Zoom....

Rob Martin

Rob Martin

Rehoboth, MA - Drums Lessons

 I have been teaching in the area since 1996 and continue to serve as adjunct faculty percussion ensemble director and drum-line instructor for our local school systems in Seekonk and East Providence. 

East Freetown Drums Lessons with LessonRating

Getting quality drum lessons in East Freetown on both a budget and time crunch is easy with the help of Lessonrating.com. Regardless of your level of skill with the drums, there's a local instructor just for you. It's merely a matter of comparing profiles and finding the drum teacher that works for you.

Instructor profiles on Lessonrating.com feature pictures and detailed information necessary to make an educated choice in drum tutor. You'll know where in East Freetown, Massachusetts the drum teachers you're looking at are based, or where they're willing to travel to you. You'll see their hours of availability and ratings submitted by former students. Instructor profiles are also a place for teachers to talk about themselves and open up about their passion and approach to their drum lessons.

Lessonrating.com is the simple, smart path to finding a drum instructor in East Freetown with the skills, reputation, and schedule that fits you best. Lessonrating.com is part of your journey to mastering the drums.

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